Apertura tabella con filtro
Ciao, è possibile mediante formula o pulsante, aprire una tabella con filtro. Mi spiego, da una form del cliente, devo aprire una tabella prescrizioni collegate al quello cliente. Grazie
how can I change my subscription eMail
I need to change my subscription eMail. How can I do it.?
Automatically open "add picture" window
Hi, I have a table "Portraits" where each record is supposed to contain 1 image. When I add a new record, I need to click on the Image field, which opens the dialog window allowing the selection of…
Subtable number
How to reorder within subtables?
Cambio de color de la letra de un aviso
cual es la orden para cambiar de color la letra segun sea el resultado ?, no logro cambiar el fondo de una aviso si éste es la union de un texto y un dato, alguien me puede ayudar?
Calculo de IMC
Bom dia Estou com duvidas: Como faço o calculo IMC=Peso/altura² Atenciosamente Dr Lucidio
How do I use a button to open a record on another table?
I'm very new to this. I'm trying to use a button to open a record on a sub-table. The sub-table name is "Site Info", I want it to pull up a specific record (i.e. "Dillingham").…
Need help automatically linking tables.
I have the following code. Explanation below. let current := Id;for j in (select Workorders).'Related Equipment'.Equipment dolet Newinspectionsheet := (create 'Inspection Sheet');Newinspectionsheet.…
Open Full Screen Report on Android
Trying to code to open a Full screen report when the database is opened. openTable("Dashboard", "DashboardFS") works fine when accessing on the web, but when I open in Android app it still just opens…
Locking' fields
I'm aware you can prevent fields from being modified by putting [field] = null in the Writeable if area. But i don't know how to do this with a delay, so that you can modify the field for, say,…
Select syntax - Subtable
Hello, I am stuck with the select syntax. I have a table and a subtable (three columns : Year, Month, Index). I woudl like to get a formula to pickup the index of the substable with the same year and…
Transfert !
Hello everyone ! Need some help... i've just bought the mac version with my professionnal email and i want to transfer, if it's possible, an ancient version created with a free app with a personna…
In a form with a subtable, is it possible to add data to the subtable without opening the subtable's form?
What I need is to insert records in a subtable without opening the form associated with this subtable. Is this possible?
Special views not working on IPad version (Kanban, Pivot and Gantt)
Hello it seems I am not able to create those kind of views in Ninox for IPad. Each time I choose one these, Ninox return a normal table view. Any idea on what is the issue.
Monitor new records-leads per week/month - per user - per status
Hi everyone, Regarding a New Leads Table, how to count new records per week/month for each agent-user and depending on a status field, and to compare them to commercial goals, please ?…
Is there any command to get out of the current database?
I just want to return to my team database lists . Is it possible, when inside a database, we get out, and return automaticly to Team List ? thanks.
Änderung eines Records durch Barcode Scan
Hallo, ich möchte gerne zwei Button erstellen den einen zum Einscannen zweier Barcodes, die einen neuen Record erstellen sollen (dies klappt schon) und den anderen um den erstellten Record dann zu…
I need help with a table relationship.
I'm having trouble figuring out a complicated relationship for linking. Any help would be appreciated. I have Customers->Locations->Equipment->Tasks->Workorders I'm trying to find a solution to link…
Addin Forms to a Table I did add a several time a Form to my table, but it always show the detai of my table. When I change something in one Form, the change is effectiv in all Form and Detail.…
I created a formula to get an icon as answer : if ACTIF = 1 thenstyled(text(" "), "white", "done")elsestyled(text(" "), "white", "x")end It is better to get an icon than a "Yes" or "Not" in the…
Hallo, Ich habe PSA-Prüflisten erstellt und hierfür auch ein Drucklayout. Jetzt möchte ich für jeden Mitarbeiter ein neues Tabellenblatt und das Drucklayout natürlich übernehmen.…
Application DMS Document management system with Ninoxdb
Hello,I have to create a DMS soon for a client. The client must be able to drop files by dragging and dropping, adding tags, adding metadata, doing research on the files and their content.…
button to print
HiOn Android I created a button to print in pdf (attached files) using the following syntax : importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "Layoutname"), "Filename.…
Formel für % Abgeschlossen
Guten Tag, wie berechne ich die abgeschlossene Zeit von einem Projekt in % Ich habe ein Startdatum angenommen 14.06.2019 und das Projekt endet am 30.11.…
Subtracting 8 hours from a time worked field.
I have a formula field given the result of Date/Time Start and Date/Time end which works fine. For example such a result would be 9:00 (1 hour overtime given the day is 8 working hours).…