Hi, I'm fairly new the this app. I'm trying to sort one column by another. Having read the manual, I would have thought this would work. Any ideas?
4 replies
Select statement is not needed. Click on Number column header and select Ascending or Descending.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I maybe simplified my example too much. I know about the Asc/Des function, but how would I accomplish this if, for example, the Number column was hidden?
For example, create a Invoice table with columns named Description and Amount. Populate the table with a few records containing corresponding text and numbers. Then create a button with the following forumular:
let a := ((select Invoice) order by Amount).Description;
When the button is clicked, the alert box should display the Description text ordered by the Amount column numbers. In this case, the important part of the video is when it says to create formulars "from the inside out".
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
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