Numeric array variable initialization
Hello there. I'm stuck with a somehow simple problem. I can't create a variable type array and initialize it unless I enter a number. Take a look at this code: let myArray := [];…
Now also in German. Explanations and examples of Ninox functions available.
To our community of German speakers
: There is now a separate page for each function in our documentation that includes explanations, illustrations, and tips in German.…
header in HTTP function response
Hi, Is there a way to get headers values of a "http" function response ? I need to know the value of a specific header in the response sent by an app when I send a http request.
Filter an array based on a Multichoice using another Multichoice
So I was wondering how to filter an array that will keep NId and then compare a basic multichoice with another basic multichoice. If you open the attached DB,…
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Formula with calculation between two different times
I want to make a different text for each hour, and then make the text coloured red when the hour (now) is in between a chosen time. What is wrong with this example? Example: if time(now()) > time(9.…
Is it possible to split the Location field to several address formula fields in Ninox?
I want the Location filed to split and copy the address to several fields like Street, ZIP, City etc, is that possible?
How to create a field that displays all gigs worked within a range of dates?
I have the following tables Event Details, Staff, and a join called Event_Staff_Join. My payroll person would like to pull a list of staff that have worked any event between a date range.…
Show form of combined select (or array) logic
Hello, I want to show something in a form which is a combination of multiple wheres and conditions. I want the entries from table_A which have no value in the field bakery.…
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Creative community and javascript
Hello everyone, For more than a year I have been exploring the Ninox code to better understand how it works. Initially driven by the lack of documentation and the frustration of some limitations,…
Newbie Formula Question
I think this is quite basic, but I'm new to all this and still learning! I have a table of contacts and one of the fields is a choice field that lists about 50 or so electoral ridings and I have…
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Script to confirm date-time availability
I'm an "intermediate" MacOS app user, with a database to track short-term house-rentals. I need a script to confirm availability or flag date-time conflicts as I enter new bookings.…
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Fonts, Colors and Borders
Hello, I uploaded an interactive CSS generator database titled "Theme Helper" in the Webinar EN 2021 team. It is very slow to respond online in the browser,…
Ninext loading modules not requested
Hi @Jacques TUR I just saw that my DBs are now loading all modules even when I specify only specific ones. Here is what I have in my formula: var configLoadModules := { badges: true, evalJS: true,…
Array trouble after update
I have some code that creates 2 arrays of records, which I then combine thus:- array(thoseDirect, thoseDupes) The combined array then gets used in a Dynamic Choice field.…
Extract year from date field in text format
Hello. I have a date field in text, format DD/MM/YYYY. How can I have an fx-formula field that returns only the year? For today, 15/09/2022, the formula field must return 2022.…
Explanations and examples of Ninox functions available in our docs
We added a separate page with explanations, examples and tips for each of the current 164 functions in our documentation. These pages are currently available in English.…
Auto generated email
hi, I'm trying to automate the email report. Like my aim is to fill fields and then my email would be ready. Here my workflow : Fill fields > Generate email > Mailto from ninox I can generate well my…
Sending emails reminders automatically in Enterprise version
Hi there. I'm searching the forums but can't find an answer for my needs. We have an Enterprise account, and want/need to send a remainder to our costumers when certain event occurs (time based):…
table numbers
Hello I have a reference to a table (1 : N) where all the relevant records are displayed. It would be very convenient if we were able to see the number of the array.…
Carriage Return and Line Feed (CRLF)
Hi there, In Ninox, I want to create a text file for an import into a 3rd party solution. The 3rd party solution requires line breaks to be formatted as carriage return + line feed ("CRLF").…
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Filtering data based on manual dates entered.
Ok, another question here. I feel I am in the ball park. I am trying to sort my data based on when clients were terminated. However, those dates I want to use can always change based on what…
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Formula to Include Multiple Filters from Choice Fields
Ok, I have been stumbling a few days over this trying to get the right formula. What I am doing is creating a sub table to give me the values I need, so then I can draw those into a chart correctly.…
- Answered
Unlink Images from database to reduce the size
I have a database of my client session records which is now over 1 Gb in size mainly due to the images. Each session has multiple images of my handwritten notes.…
Linking to a record using the iCloud version
Hello! Is there a way to link to a record using the iCloud syncing? I tried to use the urlOf(this) function as described here: https://forum.ninox.com/t/m1hrtam .…
acces to array items like with Where fonction
Hello to all, This new forum made me want to share something with you
. I chose this code which allows to find elements in a table by filtering as we would do with the Where function of Select.…