Has anyone wanted to hide the add new record button on the popup link?
simply add a formula with CSS and add the following .stringeditor-button2 {display: none;}
Buona Sera!! Come posso estrapolare dalla tabella i soli dati in base a quello che filtro e vedo nella vista della stessa, in un contenitore o in una funzione?? Grazie
Testing a due date from the Global Trigger after open
I want to test for a table (jobDockets) for any occurance where the dispatch date (DispatchBy) is due within 2 days of today upon opening the database at the start of each day.…
Is there a way to add this?
I was wondering if i was to put someones name (For example: Joe Bloggs) into a record in a seperate folder, would I be able to add a number to a number box if his name is added multiple times?…
How do I make a multiple choice box dependent on the value of a specific field?
I have a table with countries and which continent they are on. In a separate table, I have a list of hotels around the world, at the moment I can select the country name and the continent appears -…
Functions to have complex parameters
In addition to the simple types it would be very useful if you could pass records and record collections as a parameters. This would make functions way more accessable and powerful.
Location of data file?
Where is the database data file located locally (I'm quite sure it is stored locally)? Also, how can I tell if it is located locally or if its stored in iCloud
Attach text file to record and get the contents of file into text field of same record
Can this be done? I have searched everywhere but can't find anything. I'd wish to attach a text file to a record. I can do that manually and lets suppose I did just that.…
Opening Specific Attached Documents on Field
Is there a formula or a function I could you to enable me to Open a file attached to a record using a Button. By clicking a button the file attached to a specific record would popup.…
Admin mode on iPad is available ?
I can’t find ho to acrobate admin mode in iPad. I hope it’s possible :-)
Function to open a view on a phone
Hi, On the forms for my linked tables, I'm using views with select statements rather than showing the linked table view on the form. I like the control that gives me over what's shown etc.…
Changing the Inventory template
Hi experts, hoping someone can help! I own a small business importing electric guitars and have previously used a spreadsheet to track orders and sales but that has proven to be an inefficient…
Ability to hide columns
I use formula(s) in tables to filter views I would like to be able to hide these columns to save space and keep users from making changes toat would allow them to see all of the data.
I would like to get photo complete path of 1 record.
I am developing an interface. And I need to show photo in my app. But when a make request to one register I don't know how to get photo complete path. Can you help me . This is the get: https://api.…
Table printing: less rows in print than in view
Hi support, I have defined a table in a view showing material items for a purchase. It shows 9 records. The print view, however, shows only 6 rows. The print configuration offers no possibility for…
In script is there a way to move a record from one table to another without doing it field by field in the record
As an example : for j in select Table1 do let i: = (create Table2) [now instead of this: i.Column1 := j.Column1; i.Column2 := j.Column2; ... i.ColumnLast := j.…
How to merge two json body in one?
Hello, I am looking for solution for merging json body. Let us suppose I have two json. JSON1 : {"key1" : "val1"}, and JSON2 : {"key2" : "val2"}, my expected answer would be JSON_merged : {"key1" :…
Formula to add comment
I'd love to be able to add comments via formula's - eg so I can have a button for frequently used comments so I don't have to type it manually. Also being able to do something like ctrl+enter to save…
How can prevent empty new records?
When you press + button and don't type anything the record is created anyway. How can ... delete blank records automatly. advoid create new blank records. Thank you...
Variant of a new product to the invoice
When I add a product with a different variant of a new product to the invoice; The product variants I added before are changing. I cannot create different product variants on invoice.…
Email multiple attachments
i would like to attache multiple attachemets to one email this works but only gives me the xbol if i add attachments: xbol+xinv it does not work let xid := Id;let xbol :…
is it possible to copy a view?
I find the possibilities of formatting a view have improved hugely since the last version update. Now I have a luxure problem: I would like to create multiple views that differ just a little bit.…
How to refer to the current Table
Hi, How can I refer to the current table without writing the exact name of the table ? Exemple : if I want to use the current record I use "this". Let x := ThisTable ? It doesn't work obviously..…
Global script to merge records of multiple tables
Hi, I want to open the database to customers and give them access to their own table (Table customer1, Table customer 2, etc.). I would like to create a script that merge all those tables in one…
HUD manu
I saw on the webinars how can to hide some menu items, and the menu itself. The problem is that the database has a password and there is no way to see how it is organized.…