Button um vorhandenen Datensatz auszuwählen
Hallo liebes Forum, wenn ich über einen Button einen Vorhandenen Datensatz aus einer Verknüpfung auswählen möchte was müsste ich bei beim Anklicken reinschreiben ? Danke für eure Hilfe
Advice wanted for database design (modelling?)
I'm used to flat databases like Bento so I'm watching the 'Ninox and Nioxus Product Training Channel' on YouTube and seem to be learning that I could use a relational database.…
Sort properly - 12 is less than 2. I don't think so!
I have a column which is sorted assending: A/1, A/10, A/11, A/2, A/3. Can you see what's wrong! The column is a formula - 'folder' + "/" + 'page' - in case that's causing my trouble.…
Monitoring crytpo trades with ninox
Hi there I'm currently trying to sort out how to monitore the crypto trades through Ninox from a binance export. I have made a table, an already start to make the table works to find simple data…
Relations / Relaties
Hi, I don't quite understand the difference between : Basics: The 1:N Relation and Subtables: The Composition Relationship and how they work. I would think it would be the same,…
Include count field for search results
I'm brand new to Ninox. I've uploaded a data base and created my first form. I am hoping to add a field that will display the number of records that match a search criteria.…
Besoin Doc en français
Bonjour, je voudrais refaire ma bd access avec Ninox mais c'est très différent. Je suis donc preneur de toute doc en français si elle existe.
Print View Problem - Select record if
Hi everyone, I am trying to create a print report that shows a table view, but I can't get it to display the fields I want properly. The table displayed is 'Shipping',…
It's possible to assign the name of a table from a variable?
I have a table (Tables) that gathers the name of several tables. I have created a variable that takes the name of each table: let myT := this.text(name.…
Problem with syntax and filling array
Hello, I've some experience with SQL but struggle now in Ninox select Customers.Namen.Voornaam where Voornaam ="Ellen" result in "End expected: where at line 1,…
Problem with printing in Windows and Android.
Hello everyone! There is a problem with printing in Windows and Android. Preview displays correctly, and when printed in pdf, everything breaks and the encoding is different.…
HOLA Tengo un problema en los informes de impresión. Si tengo una subtabla de ítems (en un pedido a proveedor por ejemplo ) y tiene mas de seis lineas en el informe solo salen seis lineas aunque le…
Hide an empty field in 'Print View'
Hi, I have an address that contains multiple fields. If I want to hide one of the fields that are empty in the `Print View' how do I do this. For example,…
I cannot edit a database in Ninox Mac app
Hi, I have purchased the Ninox Mac app. While I can edit a database (stored in iCloud) on my Mac desktop at home, I cannot make any changes to fields/... while working on my Macbook.…
- Answered
Hide Add icon
Hi, I would like the "Add" icon to become invisible. When I set in a Formula field the following instruction : html("<style>div.i-setting-add{display:none}</style>") then the icon disappears.…
Ninox cookie policy is bollocks
You now have to accept all cookies to be able to post in the forum.
Difference between openRecord and popupRecord
Hi, I don't quite understand the difference between openRecord and popupRecord.Can you explain this to me with an example. Tx Regards Michel
Code don't work
I wan't hidden the menu-icon-buttons, but the code don't work: html(“<style>.hud-menu-button.menu-icon.menu-icon-trash{display: none;}.hud-menu-button.menu-icon.menu-icon-duplicate{display: none;}.…
Can I use importfile() to pull in a local file instead of web file?
I'm trying to use importFile(this, "file:///users/....") . to add a file as an attachment without luck (on a mac) Does file:/// work? - all the examples I found use http:…
simple Payment receipt table setup
Anyone has simple Payment receipt table setup? I am looking for DB that can record an invoice no, date of posting, adv payment with date,and final payment with date and reporting for these.
Partial dynamic view
Probably nothing new for many: I once built a 'partial dynamic view'.There you can filter each visible table column of the view for yourself without having to create several views.…
Linking to Multiple Records?
This is confusing. Wish it was as simple as Airtable. I've spent hours trying to figure out how to so this.
Example of print output with Carbone instead Ninox Print-Editor
Attached are screenshots showing the result of a print output with Carbone instead of the Ninox print editor.The data all comes from Ninox, the QR codes are generated from transferred data from Ninox…
Replacing one value in a field with another value for records that match
I think I must be approaching this problem in the wrong way but .. I have a table which contains a numeric value. I want to replace all occurences of the number 1 with the number 0 for all record…
Hello everyone,First of all, I wish you a happy new year 2022 I have been using Ninox DATA Base for more than a year and I am facing 2 problemsI use the INVENTORY template to manage the stock of my…