Alan Cooke
Those pesky hidden fields....
So for folks who hide fields that are only for designers, admin...those yes/no, lock fields and that sort of thing that you need to get to but cannot recall where on the form they are or need to get…
Paperclip TAB for attachments - crazy idea
Seems to me the Attachment Tab is indeed a rather special TAB. So just for fun I tried to drag a formula onto the Paperclip Tab. It created a formula on a new TAB automatically.…
Proper Case code sample
It seems Ninox does not have a proper case function. That is to say only the first letter of a sentence to be forced to Upper. The best I could come up with is: DESCRIPTION :…
Line feed/Carriage return in an Alert
Is this possible? Rather than The quick brown fox jumped ove the lazy dog One could format as The quick brown fox jumped over the Lazy dog TIA
Is there a 'command' to delete an attachment?
I want to have a button that can delete a file attachment (paper clip). Does it exists? I am aware that this might not be possible given there could be more than one attachment but worth asking…
Copying a record using button or Ninox icon
Interesting discovery and I wonder if a solution could be found. If one uses the Ninox icon to copy a record any attachment (maybe apply to comments too) is NOT copied across the the duplicate record.…
Re: Do you want to auto print a page. This works in Firefox after your turn printAlwaysSilent to true and and chrome you will have to config run chrome silent printing on mode --kiosk-printing edit target on chrome shortcut properties Ex:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --kiosk-printing "http://localhost:8080/this"
Given that Edge is based on Chrome would this be doable on Edge? -
Use Tooltip to echo contents of a field.
Probably for the JS/HTML/CSS geniuses @Jacques TUR :-). I have formula field which fetches a note field contents from another table. Because I have to keep the formula field as small as possible the…
- Answered
Create a new record from a table directed to a specific TAB
This script works just fine but I cannot figure out how I can to add a TAB name in the script so the table/form opens to that TAB. The TAB name is INPUT.…
If user has email.....
Darn I cannot find/forgot :-(. How does one stipulate that a table can only be opened by a specific email address or name?
Cut & Paste a screenshot.
This is a long shot and I suspect the answer is no. Is there anyway to grab a screenshot snippet and drop it into a field. In other words screen grab - bypass saving as a file - and past it straight…