Alan Cooke
Sending Emails using the Email Field Type
I am having untold problems sending an email using the standard Ninox email field type. Apart from a bunch of other issues I cannot for the life of me figure out why some email addresses allow me to…
AWESOME response as always
@Jacques TUR How nice is this. Makes a huge difference....the snapshot speaks for itself!!!
Filters ON warning.
@Jacques TUR Another request/idea. Not sure if other users has this issue but sometimes after adding records and have filters set in a view for example I come back later and alarmed at not finding…
NB - Account issues - renewal
My subscription is up for renewal and I cannot find out how to step up from Basic/Starter to Professional. All I seem to be able to find is to renew my current, now ended, basic subscription.…
Sending email from other than userEmail()
I use my self developed, self owned, application under my personal email for work. When sending emails it uses my personal email which is understood. Is there anyway to have the email sent using my…
Formatting an email
This is the relevant portion of the email code I am trying to fix. Issue is where the Bod of the email is placed. I simply cannot figure out how to get it 2 lines up from the Please refer to attached.…
ICONS control top right
I use the following to hide the icons but I cannot figure out how to leave the navigation button to view. Can this be done? if HUD then html(" <style>…
- Answered
Pop Up vs Combo for links.
I am trying out the use of Combo box for 'Show Field As' rather than Pop Up. I like the Combo Box option but it seems that there is no way of circumventing the field choices (when using Pop Up)…
Those pesky hidden fields....
So for folks who hide fields that are only for designers, admin...those yes/no, lock fields and that sort of thing that you need to get to but cannot recall where on the form they are or need to get…
Paperclip TAB for attachments - crazy idea
Seems to me the Attachment Tab is indeed a rather special TAB. So just for fun I tried to drag a formula onto the Paperclip Tab. It created a formula on a new TAB automatically.…
Proper Case code sample
It seems Ninox does not have a proper case function. That is to say only the first letter of a sentence to be forced to Upper. The best I could come up with is: DESCRIPTION :…