How do I filter out one or more field values?
I see how to filer for an individual value, but not for vieiwng the results without that value. I want to see all the records that are are clock.
19 replies
Hmm.. You can create a "NOT Clock" field.. and filter that based on Yes... Using the To Do database template.. Here is a filter of "Not Done"..
Thanks, but I did a similar workaround, I want to know how to fileter as I asked above because needing to do a work around for something this simple is wrong.
First.. please confirm that you want to filter for "Not Clock"... as I beleive there is a type-o in the initial post. Assuming that to be true.. Other platforms have capabilities for creating all kinds of filtering .. contains. .does not contain .. begins with .. et all.. For example.. here is a filter from a popular ITSM platform..
And here is the previously suggested filter for "Not Done"..
Honestly .. given the variety of filter options.. I do not see it as a "work around" .. but exactly what it is called.. A filter. Just my two cents.
First.. please confirm that you want to filter for "Not Clock"... as I beleive there is a type-o in the initial post. Assuming that to be true.. Other platforms have capabilities for creating all kinds of filtering .. contains. .does not contain .. begins with .. et all.. For example.. here is a filter from a popular ITSM platform..
And here is the previously suggested filter for "Not Done"..
Honestly .. given the variety of filter options.. I do not see it as a "work around" .. but exactly what it is called.. A filter. Just my two cents.
Ooops.. sorry for the double post.. perhaps support can remove one.. Too quick on the click I suppose.. :(
You are correct. It is all record that are "not clock" that I want to see.
This is not as simple as just being able to choose "Not", but it is available. Simply select all of the items you want to see and not the "Clock" item.
I wish it worked that way for me. Something is different. When I select more than one radio box all the records hide.
It's because you are trying to filter a Multiple Choice field. I used a Choice field not knowing what you used and when I tested using a Multiple Choice field I got the same result you did.
It's looking for a field that has both "Advertising" and "Battery Powered" stored in it in your example.
Thanks. I understand now. In this case I wish I had created the field as a Choice field rather than a Multiple Choice field. That's something I will keep in mind in the future, and not something I will fix in this database. Even so, I have to believe that's there's a formula I can use to select anything other than say "Clock."
as a workarond you could create a formula that has something like
text(contains(concat(text(Type)), "Clock"))
Then filter for !="Yes"
WHere do I enter the !="Yes" filter? All I can do in the filter field is select one or more of the radio buttons.
You would have to show the new formula column in the view, then you can enter the filter formula.
The choice and multiple choice field only let you do the radio button filtering. Other types of fields allow you to enter a formula to filter on.
I tried it but I can't make it work. Thanks. I wish this was easy. I will continue to use my workaround, and try to remember to use the Choice field rather than Multiple Choice in the future. I now understand the field differences.
I'm giving it another try. What you could do is duplicate your database just to be on the safe side, create a Choice field that has all the choices that your Multiple Choice field has and attach the following code to a button.
for t in select YourTable do
if text(t.Type) = "Action Figure" then
t.(Type2 := "Action Figure")
endType2 is just what I called the new Choice field. You would have to change the Type item in the code before each new run, but it beats manually updating each item. I the end you should be able to delete your Multiple Choice field and filter on the new Choice field.
One more line of code and you'd only have change it each time. On the first line enter:
let myItem := "Action Figure";
And where "Action Figure" is in the loop you would replace it with myItem.
If you set it up like this, you'll only need to push the button once.
let aryItem := ["Apples", "Oranges", "Bananas"];
for i in range(0, 3) do
for f in select Table1 do
if text(f.'Fruit 2') = item(aryItem, i) then
f.('Fruit 3' := item(aryItem, i))
end -
Thanks to all who tried to help. My hope was there be a simple solution like; Type is not equal to "Clock." Here's what I was doing: I created a database of a toy collection that I'm selling for a friend. A few of the items he had were not toys, so I wanted to filter them out to create a "Toys" list to send to prospective toy buyers. Unforntualy, being new to Ninox, I used a multiple choice field rather than a choice field to define what type of toy (or not a toy) each piece was. I used a simple workaround to solve this problem. I created yet another checkbox field Called "Not Toy." Anything not a toy received a check mark. Then it was easy to filer by that field for "Empty." I hope in the future that the Ninox folks work to improve many aspects of the app. Here's my wish list, and I will post it in the Suggestions section:
1) Improve the manual. There's some info about the field differences, but not enough. Had I known the difference between a choice and multiple choice field, then I would not need to use my workaround. The manual also needs a useful find function, as does the forum.
2) Add a "Not Equal To" filter.
3) Reduce the need for users to write code. I'm an individual using Ninox. The last thing I want to have to do is write and test code to make things do what I want.
4) And lastly and very important to me is to make the database files so I can back up and restore from a previous version, this continues to be a massive issue for me.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 19Replies
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