Help! I just erased an important contact
I just erased an important contact that is linked to many tables, is there any way to get it back without restoring the complete data base?
Dates one day off the date entered
I am using the services of a "virtuel assistant" in Madagascar who is entering data on our Ninox database. Although the time over there is only 2 hours ahead of where I am in France,…
How can I reduce the size of the PDF generated so that I can send it by e-mail?
Presently I'm creating over 400 tax receipts to send out, the majority by post and printing them is going well. However about 100 of them must be sent by e-mail and because the tax receipt has…
Readable if and writable if, how to use these fields
I have two tables that I've made only visible to "admin" but I would like to let one other member of the team have access without giving her admin status,…
storing old tables
I would like to reorganise and store some tables that won't be used often to get a fresh start for the new 2020 tables, is this possible?
using old tables in new database
I would like to create a new database for 2020 that uses some of the tables from 2019, is this possible?
database size
How can I find out the size of my database, I just want to make sure I'm not getting close to my limit of 12GB. Thank you.
Using old format for new table
I'm creating a new database for 2019 and I would like to use the format of some of my tables in my old database for 2018. I was hoping to just rename the database and erase all the old data.…
copy a database
I would like to copy a database so I can experiment with it without messing everything up. I can't find how to make a duplicate copy of a database.
How can I change the order of the "views"?
I need to change the order of the views. How do I do this? Thank you. leslie.frasier@wanadoo.fr