Button Script needed to open Invoice and link a regular customer.
Hi, I am looking for a button script to add to my “Invoices” table that will create a new Invoice to a customer that is used on a daily basis. I have the script to open new record... let newRec:= (create Invoices); openRecord (newRec) Is there one more peice to the script to attatch invoice to my regular customer. “Shop Sale” is my regular customer.
thank you. Regards Michael
1 reply
You could use the trigger on create field of your Invoices table where you can add something like:
Customer := 43 for example where Customer is the name of the related custoler table and 43 is the Id of your regular customer Shop Sale.
Another approach is to add a line in the script of the button so your script looks like:
let newRec :=(create Invoices);
newRec.(Customer := 43);
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 419Views