Trigger - Update Number Field with Formula Value - en masse
Question about Triggers. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have a table that calculates a Price formula. This Price formula is compared to a Current Website Price number field.…
Linking to Tables in Different Teams
Is it possible to link to (reference) data in a table that is in another Team? Or does all the data have to be under the same Team? Any help appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Duplicating records - Keep some data and clear/reset other data
I want to be able to duplicate a record, but only keep some of the data in some of the fields (all sorts of field types). I'm using these records as templates,…
Clear History / Rebuild Index / Rebuild Thumbnails
This may be a bit of a stupid question, but I'm new to databases. I'm trying to understand exactly what happens when each of these actions are performed.…