iliper LTD
Time Timer
I need to create a timer that can be stopped and continue counting time. I found a solution, not quite what I need, but so far there is no other solution I'll use.…
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Rounded amount
There are two fields in the table, and when they are equal, it shows green in the middle, when not exactly red. For convenience, the amount is rounded off to the left and shows the amount without a…
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Formula for button
There is a Table1 where information is entered and when the button is pressed, the information is written to another table - table2 Here is part of the formula Date := xCurrRec.…
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Issue with Formula for Clearing Data in Ninox
Hello everyone! I've encountered a problem while creating a formula for my Ninox database. I have a button that creates a new day based on the previous one,…
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how to make it multilingual DB?
Hello everyone There is a solution for multilingual database? Who did to solve this problem and how? I need 3 languages
Clean field when i duplicate table
There is a table 1 and a button to make it a duplicate for a new day with formula let x := dialog("NEW DAY TEMPLATE", "Do you want create template for a next day?", ["No", "Yes"]);…
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Storage for small bar
Hello I need a simple initial database for a warehouse in a bar. please share if there is a finished version, no matter how perfect it is, I will finalize it. Thanks for your help
Choice Field
There is a table where information is entered every day, and there is a Choice field - categories. When we open a new day, it is necessary that the value of the categories is transferred to the next…
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Relationship between "Chice" and "Formula" fields
The table has two fields, a choice "Category" and a formula field "Discount" . Depending on the client category, a discount is assigned. Can someone, please, tell me the formula, for example,…
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