iliper LTD
Count separately positive and negative numbers
There is a table where the results of the work of each day are displayed, a formula is needed to separately calculate the total amount of the results of the days, not the number of days,…
YES / NO Default value
in the table I am using a yes / no switch. How to do it so that after switching to YES or NO, the value will not be changed for the next days, until it is changed.…
YES/NO use like to show / hide table element
There is a table where YES/NO we use how to hide show fields for currency exchange rates. This currency rate is displayed in other tables as well. When we disabled in the main table,…
Restriction of rights for users
Hello I want to make a tab for the admin and bring the following functions there for configuration for users like Allowed to Show tab Write, Allowed to read, Create new record, delete record
AGE function
Not so long ago I watched a video lesson where they talked about the global function ageYM. but I can't find where to copy this formula. can anyone tell me where all the global functions can be…
- Answered
use yesterday's information in the table
Hello I need some information from yesterday to automatically pass to the next day. I have a formula that does it all, but there is a problem, it changes all previous days, that is,…
- Answered