iliper LTD
Ninox APP update problem
Today I updated my NINOX App to version 3.13.3. The design has changed, but I probably need to get used to it, no complaints here 1 -The columns in the tables disappeared 2 - when saving the changes…
If the value is not different from the previous one
I have a digital field containing information and a 'Date+Time' field to record the time of change. I have a question: Is it possible to set it up so that if the new value is the same as the old…
- Answered
Formula for table ' Choice Dynamic'
In the main table I want to display the value of the dynamic selection. but it outputs the value as a serial number. I use the formula text( position held) the problem is that it is not displayed,…
Button for writing to another table
Hello There is a button, in the sub table Cash Desk.Expenses, that should make a record in another table. to Table ADVANSE formula for button is let x := dialog("NEW RECORD", "CREATE NEW RECORD?",…
Dynamik Choice field
Hello I use the "Dynamic Choice" field, How to sort the display of information alphabetically? in the table everything is alphabetically, in "Choise" sort by time added Thanks
- Answered
Sum the value of the result field from table1 when the value of deportment is "1"
Hello The table has a result field and a department field. The department field takes its value from another table from Choise filde, value of 1 2 or 3 Need a formula to calculate the result,…
- Answered