Use Ninox as a backend with an online ordering system
Hello friends, My office is planning to implement an online ordering system instead of taking orders on phone/whatsapp. Is it possible to use Ninox as a backend for an online ordering system on a…
- Answered
Inconsistency with 'Readable If' and 'Writable If'
I wrote a comprehensive user permissions application that validates user permissions based on: Entity > Location > Permission Using a Global Function, I wrote this:…
Invoice recipient
We are retrieving information from another table We know who the client of an event is. This link between the event and the company (contact person) has already been added.…
Invoice date
Every invoice needs a date – manually or automatically You can enter the current date manually by clicking on the Date field and select Today, or Add a default value in the Field Settings of the Date…
Excursus 1: Data model (M:N relationship)
A little database theory never hurts... Let's take another look at our data model to better understand what we've done. Here's how it works Go to the database Event Management. Activate editing mode .…
Insert sub-table
All preparations are made – We are adding the sub-table. We will now create the sub-table in which we will enter all the consumption items. The invoice will display the total amount at the end.…
Invoice number
An invoice always requires a unique invoice number. If you wish, you can briefly take a detour to an example use case on another page of our documentation to enter a unique invoice number.…
How can change number to text. For example amount in invoice is 5000usd . I will see text too in down invoice. Five thousand dollars
Making a field writable based on a condition
Hello Friends, I am not able to wrap my head around this thing. I want to make the "To Address" text field writable if the selection in the choice field is "OTHER".…
- Answered
Window width on Mac
Would it be possible to get a minimum Ninox window width on Mac less than the one currently offered?