Create table via REST api
Is there any documentation/examples, how a table can be created via api? Is it possible with a POST command?
automatic numbering using any number column.
Hi, I have a column with unordered and null numbers/figures. I would like to add the highest + 1 in a new record... How do I do that ? Thank you
List of years/months/weeks...
Hello, I have a field with a Beginning Date and another one with the End Date. Is it possibile to have a list of the months and a list of the years (or whatever time interval) that those two dates…
Re- in a number column, I would like to continue with auto-numbering
Have a column with unordered and null numbers... While creating a new record, I would like to continue with auto-numbering using the largest number + 1...…
Run a script to Form open or Form Close
I would like to run a script when a form opens and/or when a form closes This would not be dependant on form creation or modification. At present (and not sure if there will ever be!…
Problem printing Layouts
Please see the image attached: on the left the Ninox print preview including several formatting elements as list bullets, spaces etc On the right is the pdf which loses all formatting elements.…
Ninox database file on iCloud isn't visible and thus difficult to backup
I am using the Mac version of Ninox on 2 Macs. I have the database file hosted on iCloud. When I look at iCloud storage, I know it is taking up space, but it doesn't show up as file that I can copy…
Impossible to add a new recording…
Hi I enter a new recording, (+ sign). I close the app. I open it, the recording does not appear… I start again and again… No new recording ! Can someone help ? Thanks
Problems with Formula Don't give me anything.
I have a Choice field With DateR1, DateR2...... to R5 What I need, Find all documents by DateRx that al delayed with respect to the CutOff date and not have Earned Value.…
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Button to validate required fields
Is there a formula to insert in a button that makes me the automatic validation of all required fields displayed in the mask including embedded tables or do I have to make a script on purpose?…
Print and download file name not same as saved filename
Have a little issue that it getting in the way When I print a customer quote the file is also saved into the same customer form in the file attachments.…
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Loop not clear
Hi there, Although loops are explained in your manual, it is not yet clear how you would, for example, in a table called "contacts" with only "firstname" and "lastname" but where some firstnames are…
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Disabling timezone-independent date
I am having an issue where I set a time with now() or time(). I am in the UTC+2 timezone as are all users. The time shown is always UTC which is two hours earlier than I need it.…
Where is Working Phase Lookup????
Hello, I have a button that I need to create a new record for each work phase of car assistance. The button reporting the data of the customer and the car to be repaired.…
Cut & Paste a screenshot.
This is a long shot and I suspect the answer is no. Is there anyway to grab a screenshot snippet and drop it into a field. In other words screen grab - bypass saving as a file - and past it straight…
Reference to items in the same table
I am still new to the field of databases so sorry if this question is badly formulated. I have a table 'Items' that lists a large number of items that can be associated to one another.…
Filter a print layout
Hi, here I am again with some silly question. I have a print layout which displays all the data of a worker. When I'm in print layout mode, I can choose if I want to print "Only this" or "All"…
Urgent Problem with resize column on Subtables and Views
Hi Guys. Please some body has had the problem with resize column on, Subtables and Views, I have now 3.7.6 and I can't rezuze the columns completely unusable Ninox on Android Tablets.…
Latest update broke Ninox!??
I updated from 3.7.x (I think it was the previous release, 3.7.3 but it was definitely 3.7.1 or later) yesterday to version 3.7.4 (Mac, desktop App) My database behaviour has gone HAYWIRE since…
Newbie Formula Question
I think this is quite basic, but I'm new to all this and still learning! I have a table of contacts and one of the fields is a choice field that lists about 50 or so electoral ridings and I have…
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Font question
Since I answered my last question myself, here's another one: Is it possible to specify the font used for specific fields? I saw code for applying a style,…
Date formats
Okay! I've got a new question! I prefer to see dates in something approximating the European style, that it, [day] [month] [year]. Since I live in the U.S.…
Choice field: There can be only one!
Hi All, sorry for the daft title. I am trying to establish a rule in a sub-table where only one choice field in all the records can should as active, when that record is set to active all other…
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Script to confirm date-time availability
I'm an "intermediate" MacOS app user, with a database to track short-term house-rentals. I need a script to confirm availability or flag date-time conflicts as I enter new bookings.…
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Pulsante nella barra dei TAB
I would need to insert an "Actions" button that opens a dialog where I can then put "Edit and save" buttons. How could I create this button "Actions as shown" the button of the remain in the TAB bar