Linked tables
Hello, I have a table "Customers" who are linked with a table "Invoices" who have a subtable "Items", when I create a new invoice from "Customers" the invoice are linked to the customer but when I'm…
I used
I used the Hide Table feature and now can't unhide the Table?
Dublicate/copy table fields
Hey guys, i got a inquiry to make a database that can create estimates, when the estimates are approved then they shall be converted in work orders and or invoices.…
Calendar change clients
When i open the calendar, ok add a client/appointment, ..but if i want change the client (ex becoud bad digit ) how ? but also how add another client at same day/hour/time ? . Thankyou ++
Display of Chart data when hovering over a data point
Is there any way to format the data that displays when hovering over a chart data point? The chart above is displaying a currency amount £5151.81 How do I format it correctly? ------ Thanks Terry
Getting the content of a choice field
I would like to get the total content of choice field as delimited text. From each entry in this list I want to create a new record. I believe creating the record is doable in Ninox but is obtaining…
Implement CoverFlow
I'm looking to implement CoverFlow (Apple's horizontal, scrolling display of images) in a database, and was hoping that Ninox might support that kind of control … possible?…
new element "View"
How can I use the new layout element "View" in the print layout, because when I go to the print section, I don't see the new item "View" that I created! Thank you
Is there a LOCAL database API?
REST API for the hosted solution is awesome. What about for LOCAL databases? For example.. Assume Clients are maintained via the "Custom CRM" template database (with workflow etc)..…
Importing dates doesn't work as the FAQ indicates
The FAQ says: "If in doubt try “yyyy-mm-dd” – this will always work fine" However, on my iphone, 2009-01-17 imports as Jan 17, 2009 (as expected), but 2009-02-06 imports as Mar 6,…
New function in Table properties
Hi, In table propertier I have two new fields, and I don't know how to use it. "Redable if", and "Is it possible if". I can't find it in manual. Can you send me description of new functions?
Where I can find a Notice for Ninox in French
Where I can find a Notice for Ninox in French
Please improve the CSV import workflow
CSV import allows mapping the existing columns to the CSV file columns. However, going back from the Preview (typical to correct a wrong entry), all mapping entries are lost and we can start over.…
Using function when importing CSV
I have a CSV file where one of the columns has values 'x' or <empty>. I would like to import the column as the Yes/No type converting 'x' to "Yes" and <empty> to "No".…
Custom Icons
Could it be possible to add a small feature to add custom icons? Sort of something like this? (I Edited it on photoshop of what it could look like.)
Is there a way to create subtotals per day. I have transactions per day and would like to have a subtotal per day on order to compare with a budget per day.
display the second or third or...
Accordint to this rules (at the bottom).....there's a way to display the second or the third ? ------------------------ avg(Invoice.Amount) -- the average, ignoring empty fieldcnt(Invoice.…
How do I format a time as AM/PM
I want to display dates as "dd/mm/yy hh:mm xx" where xx gives me AM or PM as appropriate, Can't find the answer in the manual or forum so hoping someone can help.…
Ninox App Fenster bewegen
Eine Kleinigkeit, die aber irgendwie stört: Wenn ich mit Ninox am Mac arbeite, muss ich öfter mal das Programmfenster zur Seite schieben um mit einem anderen Programm (Mail, Kalender, etc.…
Computed fields vs formula
Folks.. Here is a nifty sample to add to the Project Template.. Computed Percent Complete using: 100 * sum('Sub Project'.Task['Sub Project'.Task.Status = 3].'Sub Project'.Task.…
Close Form
Hi, is there a function that closes the active form. I would like to make a button that would close the active form (like the closeAllRecords() function, something like closeForms() maybe). Thanks
Popup - Message - _cu
Hi, I would like to create a button with a popup that shows the _cu, the _mu, the _cd and the _md of the actual record. Any idea ? Best regards,
Non visible character for lpad() padding?
Is it possible to use a non visible fill-in character for the lpad() and rpad() functions? Using " " does not wor
User Roles and Printing
I would like to see print templates restricted by user role. Something like the new feature in v2.4 where views are restricted would be perfect.
Is it possible to give an example for this new function importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "My Print Layout"), "mypdf.pdf"). Importfile works but it does not seem that printAndSaveRecord works.…