Time Stamps for Status Changes
I have multiple "process status" fields that I want to time stamp when the status changes (or the last time it was changed). I'm using both Yes/No and Choice type fields.…
How to show tables marked hidden ?
I have a couple of transaction tables I have marked hidden ealier, now I want to see the content of the tables. How to un-hide them ?
get Ú in pdf printing
i am getting a Ú for each line in notes when tring to make pdf in the layout it looks good but in the actual PDF the is a Ú for each enter line
Android App - Error when opening database
I can't open my primary database. I get the following error: java.lang.integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long I can open other databases that have minimal records/tables
Ninox interaction with a dedicated barecode/qrcode usb scanner
Hello, It is not clear to me if I can use a standard USB barecode/qrcode scanner with ninox. Can I ? The scanner will be pluged into a desktop computeur.…
Can I implement a recursive relationship in Ninox
I have a table of various articles and I want to reference some articles from any particular article. Can I do this? Thanks
printing tables
Hello. I have to print several table, the worries and that when the table have more than 7 lines they are overprinted in print. how to make the table print one after the other.thank you
Convert table to sub-table
Is this possible? If so, how?
Trigger on create when import
Hi There, I tried to make a test with manual import into a table with "trigger on create". (All on the same tabe of course :)) It doesn't work. I did something wrong or it in not working.…
Show day of week in different language
Is it posible to change the outcome language of {format(start('datefield), "dddd")} from english to dutch?
How to get the value from an external table by clicking on a view
Hello,I would like to know how to get the value of a textfield into a form from a record of a non linked table. In the fist table’s form the second one is displayed in a view with 2 columns .…
Filter by logged in user
It would be create to be able to filter by the logged in user. So for example, a user could view all their tasks / activities in the example of a CRM system.
Suggestion - More possibilities of filtering in tables
More possibilities of filtering in tables. Now you can only group and sort. A good example for future improvements when ordering data from a table is Autodesk Revit.…
Print labels Dymo
how can I use ninox to print all the Dymo 450 labels?
Need help with converting FileMaker formula to Ninox
13.12+(.6215*g_Main_temp)-(11.37*g_Main_Wind ^ .16)+(.3965*g_Main_temp*g_Main_Wind ^ .16)
Print preview vs pdf
Hello, How can I keep the layout of my text when printing in pdf? I made a test with 2 fields (rich text and html). I can see the fields in the print preview.…
como puedo poner un disparador en una selección múltiple. no se como se hace referencia a los valores selecionados
Select field upon table/subtable opening
Hi there. I have a masterTable called ManagerLog, a subTable called MoneyCounter and a button in the master table called 'Click to Double Count Safe'. Here is the code for for the button (that works…
Issue with on update formula!
I have a form with some fields. Inside the 'on update' on some fields, I put a formula... it s like some selection and other fields.... and when you select something,…
display problem!
I have this formula to display data on a field... let t := this;(select Prix)[number(ID) = t.Achats.ID_prix_1].Prix and it wont return something. It appear to not interpret the ID_prix_1 as number...…
Size - Colors - and other variables
Hi is avalaible any template or demo for create product with variables Like size: X M L XL etc.. Color: red white black etc..etc.. and/or other type Thankyou
Suggestion - Storage Summary
Hi, I'd find it useful to know which tables within a database are using the most storage, to for example know where we're getting the most file attachments placed,…
Mac Application Slow Performance?
Hi all, I have a database of my personal finances in which, along with the tables that hold the data, I have about 15 tables with reports (depending on the group and category of expenses).…