How to delete all selected records in browser?
How to delete all selected records in browser?
Ninox procedure to open a selected web page address in a browser
Ninox procedure to open a selected web page address in a browser I have a dozen-field database of about 1,700 contacts. I would like to be able to Google-search the internet to see surface (first…
Is it possible to include the "INNER JOIN" in the NX ?
Inconstant behavior of "after update" scripts
Hello I already posted about this issue in https://ninoxdb.de/en/forum/technical-help-5ab8fe445fe2b42b7dd39ee7/trouble-with-affecting-a-text-value-in-a-new-record-5d53cb404e061c58ea3a25e2?…
Formula vs Image Field
Like this idea? Please upvote for CR 1591 Let it be possible to place multiple fields next to a formula Field (When that formule field is multiple lines in highth) like you can do with a Image Field.…
New Email Button creating a new record in subtable
I have a main table called 'Emails' that has a view called 'Compose' where I have a button "New Email" and I have a subtable called 'New Emails' I have only managed to get the subtable to open with…
Does the Mac Version allow me to have only 1 team?
And if I try to sign up I get a message saying that my e-mail is already registered. If I try to use the "Forgot your password" feature it doesn't work.
Anyone else's Ninox offline? Can't seem to log in or access via API!
Is Ninox compatible with Catalina ?
everything is in the title. regards
Is there any way change the email address of my Ninox Team subscription?
Hi, I'm in a situation where I need to stay anonymous to most of my team members before we start using the database. Is there a way to change my current email to a new email?…
monthName not working ... bug?
I have two fields for the start date of our school term and our end date. For our invoices, I am pulling that data via a function with the code below and it works.…
How much do formulas slow the database?
Just wondering how much of an impact formulas have on the speed of the DB (we use cloud based), and is its bad practice re speed to use formula fields with html/css styling to create buttons and…
contract automatisch verlengen!
Goedendag, Programma bevalt ons prima, makkelijk in het gebruik! Ik wilde even weten of mijn contact automatisch wordt verlengd? En hoe kan ik instellen in mijn account of ik wel of niet kan…
Kaban problem
The add value in a kaban model doesn't work when a key field is a choice field??? If you drag something in a new value the data disappear.
Clicking Chart button damaged solution
This moring i opened an invoices table with over 22,000 invoices. Then I clicked the Chart button above the list. That button had never been clicked before.…
Formula to constrain dates
Hello, I didn't figured out how to contrain data from a sub-table on a print view so I'm trying a workaround… how can I ad a date constraint (only September records for instances) to a formula field…
Integrate Ninox with IFTT
Integrate Ninox with IFTT
Joining selected records from a table
I have created a table by importing a CSV file of stockmarket data. The table has a set of fields. These are date,turning point type (High or Low),Primary Turning Point price,…
specify inside database entry if it is readable by certain users
Hello, Thank you in anticpation for your help. I was hoping to have a multipe choice option, within a database entry which would specify, who has access to read it.…
Impression d’une mise en page
Bonjour, J'ai créé une table avec plusieurs mise en pages pour impression de cette table. je souhaiterai, selon certaines conditions, imprimer une mise en page spécifique.…
date function
Hi, How can I calculate the first day or the last day of a year?That is, given a field that contains the year, for example 2019, use a calculation to have a field with January 1,…
Frustrated with poor help guides- Is there a full guide to formulas anywhere?
I want to do what seems like a fairly simple CountIF formula but find the Ninox help guide to be incredibly frustrating. I can't find any mention anywhere in the instruction manual of a COUNT…
How to count the same value in different field
I have 3 table : one to manage rides boats, one to manage divers, one to manage goups of divers. This last table is linked with the boat (N groups for one boat),…
Refer to a specific value in a cell
I'm fairly new to databases so forgive me my silly question. I want to refer to a specific value in a cell in another table and use this value in a mathematical function (e.g. mutiply or divide it).…
Report Printing in Chinese through Webapp
Hi, I've found that when I print a report from the Webapp in browser, the Chinese appears as random texts. If I print it through the desktop app or iphone app, it is perfect.…