Printing data from a table
I want to print each row in my table (not in a table format, in my own format). I can create a formula where it displays the first rows information or the last rows inforation of the table.…
Incrementing date in a script
I am setting up a database for my teaching. I'm trying to create a button that, when pressed, creates a new lesson with the same class but increments the date by 1 or 2 weeks.…
Help needed with a formula for a button
Hello :), I'm new to Ninox and I'm struggling to find the right formula for my button. Some of my clients want to have a certain address on their quote and have a different address mentioned on their…
Bold style not working in formula field
Hi, I have a simple formula field displaying text using the formula: upper(Client.ClientAcronym + ": " + Project) The text is displayed OK. I have it set to 'large text' in the field properties box,…
Forumula fields justification
Is there a way to alter the justification on formula fieldsis have some cost (edit fields) which show correctly as right justified.but all my calulated formula porice field (ie vat value etc) show as…
How to allow my customers to do online signature on my quotations PDF that I sent to them? or how to include an ACCEPT button/link in the emails for each quotation I sent to them?
I send many PDF quotations to my customers everyday with NINOX. I want them to be able to "ACCEPT" or "online SIGN" the rigid PDF quotation that I just sent to them (of course,…
Stupid questionI see there are webinar session on Ninox site for Birger and Andy etc.Can one register and join these free or are their costs associtaed with these if so where do i find the costs etc.
Хочу определится, стоит его покупать или нет. Но нужно прочитать все на русском языке. В часности меня интересуют возможность создания таблиц, такими же функциями как и Numbers.…
Is it possible to link a 'field' to a 'table reference'
I'm looking to use a 'field' to select a customer in a 'table reference'. I have tried this code however it dose not work for me. select Customer where Customer.…
Problema con orario appuntamento
Salve sto riscontrando problemi con gli orari appuntamento. In effetti se digito in un campo "orario" una determinata ora, nel campo appuntamento avanza di un ora. Ovvero digito 8.30 e scrive 9.30
Is it possible to populate a multiple choice field from a text field?
I have a database with a text field containing items separated by spaces such as 'Telephone Personal Fred' or 'Personal' or 'Telephone Fred'. I have created a multiple choice field with these values…
Multi planning view
Hello, could you complete the Ninox solution with the integration of a multi planning The Person table is a resource. For a table, it must be specified whether or not it reserves the resource (for…
Print to PDF not working correctly for 1 person
We have a manufacturing system in place, where a staff member in China has to accept or reject orders. When she accepts an order, its meant to create a signed copy of the form thats initially sent to…
Convert Rich Text to plain text html
Does anybody know a formula that will convert a plain text field to html code, in plain text?
Anyone used WordPress or any website as a Front End?
Hello, I am wondering if anyone has built their database for themselves or a client, and then created a WordPress (Website) front end for said database? Where the website would have unlimited users,…
Calculated value = false?
I've been trying to work out a mass update, the triggered update works fine when records are updated, but when I tried to recreate this as a mass update / calculated formula ,…
Newbie ... Define which field links tables
I've just started using Ninox today (my background is more with Filemaker). I've managed to create a relationship between two tables, but I can't find where to set which field is being used to define…
Auto filling in of address fields
Hi all As new user i am just getting to grips with Ninox and getting on fine as already have found much vauable information from this forum. Hwoever i am a little lost regarding lookup information.…
Sub File Line Deletion
Hi All Where the form is not set to compostion the table row delection is easy done by selecting the rows (so they are ticked) and using the delete row(s) option.…
Images effacées ?
Bonjour, sur certains documents j'avais inséré des logos et PDF. Lors de l'ouverture des documents les logos et autres PDF n'apparaissent plus ? pouvez vous m'aider à les retrouver. merci
Comment Group, VLookup assistance
Hello, I have an invoices database, with a table named Invocies, within invoices, I have a text box called "Comment" I use the comment field to sort-of organize my invoices the way I prefer.…
Can you setup a autofill finish from previous entries
Continual "Offline" Pop-up Box (Ninox Cloud)
Is anybody else continually getting the pop-up alert box "Offline" although nothing is 'offline' - you can still use the dBases (/and we're not having any internet issues here either) But the alert…
if contains then
I am trying to create a formula where if the text box contains a certain phrase or word to then display an action, how do i do this?
Table and Subtable
Hi, using ninox I discovered that deleting a subtable it becomes a table, is it possible to reverse it? Or is it possible to transform an existing table in a subtable? Many thanks, Max