Unique Record Id & Id Field - strange behaviour

I'm finding that using (Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6) the internally generated Id field in calculations/scripts tends to produce odd results.


I'm trying to build a database and tables to manage various accounts. In a table of credits and debits, I'm trying to calculate a running balance field. I've used the Id field to manage the calculation, doing a sum from the first record to the current record. However, a variety of different calculations/scripts have failed to work. The most successful could have 10, 20, 30 records where the calculation worked and then a record where it didn't. It seemed as though in some records my variables were picking a value from thin air.


I tried to stop this by explicitly setting all variables to zero and then assigning a value - didn't work.


I have solved the problem by creating a function field Record# with the simple calculation number(Id).


The running balance calculation then references Record# not Id - it all works!


I've just discovered the manual refers to a value/field (?) recordId for selecting records - my setup doesn't recognise this although record(tablename, Id) does extract the Id value .....

I am puzzled by the unique record Id field and how to use it in calculations - or if I should even try ....

1 reply

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Since you didn't post your formula, I can only give you general information. If you don't get the output you expect with Id then use number(Id) in your formula. You could probably do that in your formula without creating a separate formula field.


    record(TableName, Id) doesn't extract the Id, but rather takes it as an argument and returns matching record information if it exists.