Trigger Before Closing a DB
The Options Panel has a Trigger After Open box that is executed whenever we open a Database. Is there is some kind of Trigger Before Closing that would be executed after clicking on any button to…
Riportare righe di un documento in altro documento
Salve, dovrei creare da un preventivo un documento di trasporto, e trasportare nello stesso le righe del preventivo. ho provato con la seguente formula, ma mi cancella le righe nel primo documento.…
Alert message
hello, how to generate an alert message if a field is not filled?thank youalain
How to import FileMaker multi-line fields
Each line within a FileMaker multi-line field is delimited with a vertical tab character, which is not supported by Ninox. I just created and used the following Ninox global function to replace all…
Loop error / syntax
Hi all, this piece of code is adding summing up multiple times: let me := this;for i in select Pupil dolet myInvoice := (create Invoice);myInvoice.(InvoiceDate := now());myInvoice.…
A plugin for Gatsbyjs the react based blazing fast static site generator
A plugin for Gatsbyjs the react based blazing fast static site generator https://www.gatsbyjs.org, then ninox could also be used easily as a headless cms and take on companies like https://www.…
Ability to export a file to a dropbox location
Would be useful to have the ability to export a csv file to a dropbox location as one of the options to overwrite a file of on the shareable view the option for the public view to have .…
Connector for Microsoft Flow/Power Automate/Logica Apps
It would be great to see a connevctor for Microsoft Flow or Power Automate as it is now known or logic apps which is the same thing nut on azure. The one for integromat works really well,…
Read File Data
Is it possible to read the actual file data in a record attachment? I'm currently trying to use the ninox programming language to read the actual file contents.…
how calculate date from year, week number and weekday?
Date:= year(2019)+week(14)+weekday(0)
Hide field in app
Hello everyone, I wonder if it is possible to hide a field on the Ninox app. But it is important that you can still see this field via the web version. In this way I hope to make my form clearer via…
Console vs Button on Click using Mac App.
Technically .. what is the difference when running logic from the console vs running logic from the Button On Click event in the Mac App? I have a global function that reads 7,000+ rows in order ..…
Filter tables
Hello, I need your help.I have a customer table and several tables which list its equipment, as indicated on the screenshot, some equipment was checked in 2019 and others in 2020.…
New line in text-field
How can i simulate the "enter" button for a new line in a textfield? field 1 + " enterfunction? " + field 2
A few questions about form layout
One of my biggest hurdles with Ninox forms has been setting up the style and layout I want. Hoping people can help with these specifics: - When i put a View element on a form,…
copy records to a other table
copy records to a other table Itried with copy paste to a other table butI could't paste it; is there a video for this problem Thanks for your help
How to create balance table from income and expense tables
Hi. I two tables: 1. Income table - consisting of several fields and a formula named "total income"2. Expense table - with "expense amount" field. How can I create a balance table that will show…
Layout PDF View
Hi :), I'm working on my invoice template. The issue I have at the moment is when I had more than 10 Items on it, my invoice goes into 2 pages (wich I don' mind) but split this part ( see picture)…
Shortcut for administration
Shortcut key for on-off administration on Mac would be good.
How to assign a table's identifier to a variable, i.e. not hardcode table names in functions?
The openTable("table", "view") function uses strings as parameters. This is great as you can read a table name from anywhere (e.g. a field value), e.g. let t :…
How to avoid a column to be filtered from the table list view?
Hello. How can I avoid my users to change a established filter from "yes" to "no"? I mean, the result is always in "YES", but I can't allow them to change the filter into "NO" (or remove the filter).…
Can I with a field from one database open field in another database?
I have 2 databases as attached. One with appointment and the other with medical record. I need to say that when I click Jose Pedro on the schedule, he takes it to Jose Pedro on the medical record.…
Assign RGB color to a choice field
Hello, I am not able to find how to assign a RGB color to a choice field. After assigng values to the RGB palette (attached file F1), clicking anywhere or pressing Return does not assign the chosen…
Create button in Ninox that composes an email using email client
Hello, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a script that will allow me to compose an email, where the data is across 2 tables? I want to compose an email from a Quote layout I have built,…
Get error using "number(chosen(field))" inside a formula
Hi there, I'm trying to use a field “Choice” (“Selección”, in Spanish) inside a formula, exactly like it's described here:…