Export Rights
Is it possible to allow exporting w/o Editor rights?
Display Online Users
Is there a way to display which users are actively using a database?
Recherche partenaire d'affaire
Bonjour je recherche un partenaire d’affaire (idéalement parlant français) pour développer et commercialiser une application métier qui est déjà bien avancée,…
Auto increment a number
I am using this script in the 'Trigger on Create' of a child table 'Invoice Line Items'. The field in this table is 'Line Number'. The Parent table is 'Invoices'.…
Images vs Attachments
Hi. I have stored images directly in tables to link documents to specic tasks. Is there a better way of doing this? For instance, using a trigger to upload to Attachments,…
Conditional Style is coming
In the new upcoming version, in addition to the visual changes, I found the Conditional Style function for the table columns Nice!
How can I populate a Bill To address from Job address if both the same?
I have two tables. 1. Customer Information 2. Invoice Information The Customer Information has a 'Customer/Job' Address (several fields). The Invoice Information has a 'Bill To' Address…
How do I add lines and boxes to a print layout?
I need lines for dividers. How do I add them to a print layout?
Better Find in the Mac App.
Find in the Mac app, whether using the sidebar find or the table find, does not work anywhere near as good as it does in the iOS apps. I wish it did. It should act like a filter.…
Concatenating fields
Hi Is it possible to concatenate two fields on a form - eg have First Name and Last Name displayed as one field? Many thanks
FInd by date?
How do I find by date? Nothing I type in find (sidebar or table) brings up a date result. I went to calendar view to see if I could search there. I'm looking for something dated in 1993.…
Stampa vista
All'interno di una tabella ho una vista. Quando procedo alla stampa della tabella la vista non compare. Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento?
Ninox BETA Team - Change Requests
Hello, I am a member of the Ninox BETA Team, and I quite often add ideas and suggestions in the change Request database. Does Ninox still review this database,…
Calendar Invites?
Afternoon, Is Ninox capable of sending out Calendar invites to Outlook/Gmail? Reagrds
Database Find, what determines the columns shown when performing a search?
Does not appear that setting the field to "Global Search" is the answer. I need to see more fileds (columns).
Searching for Tags and successive subsets of Views
Hi, any ideas please guys on the best way to do the following? lets get as example a database of books. The books may have multiple tags (eg Horror, Crime, True Crime, Fiction,…
How can i create an autonum field in ninox ?
How can i create an autonum field in ninox ?
Field styling query
Hello, Please can someone help me with something that is either too complex for me to work out, or too simple for me to realise... I would like the date in the field 'Date In / Received' to have the…
Filter with a button
Hi all, is it possible to set a filter for a column with a button/dropdown? And if so how? Thanks
Update multiple records pivot table.
I thought I had asked this recently, but how could I tell? This forum format is so outdated and difficult to use. Really folks, find a better solution. One that actually can be search,…
Add Triggers when clicking on a record in a sub table or view
Ability to kick off a trigger script when the user clicks on a row in a sub table or view that is displayed in the form, so you perform an action prior to viewing the sub record.
Choice selection for all field in table
Hi, how can a set the same choice-value off one record to all records in a table?
Dynamic create table reference
let a := 'Show Time';for i in select USA doi.('Show Time' := a)end I want to create a template table so the table selected (country name) in the code above will be selected by a dropdown in another…
Script to export all databases
Is there a way I can write a script to export all of my databases? I want to do this for backup purposes.
Calculating Date Difference Between Current and Previous Record
I'm trying to create some code to work for a table's On Update expression that looks up the most recent record (in terms of record ID), that was created before the current record,…