Open the generated attachment at the end of the code
Hi! How can I tell him to open the created ICS-file at the end automatically?
I was trying to import the event from gmail in google calendar automatically (without click in the mail to add the event to the calendar) but it doesn't work. I've set it with automatic event import but nothing to do. So I have to open it on my mac with ical and after it will syncronize with gmail
createTextFile(this, "BEGIN:VCALENDAR
UID:event-" + Evento + 'Nr. persone' + "persone" + ".ics
SUMMARY:" + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + ":" + " " + 'Nr. Montatori' + " " + concat(Persone.Personale.'Nome / Impresa') + "
DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:" + format('Inizio montaggio', "YYYYMMDDTHHmmss") + "
DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:" + format('Fine montaggio', "YYYYMMDD") + "
LOCATION:" + Fiera.'Nome struttura' + "
DESCRIPTION:" + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + " " + "-" + 'Nr. Montatori' + ":" + " " + concat(Persone.Personale.'Nome intero') + "
END:VCALENDAR", "event-" + Evento + ".ics");
let result := dialog("Ciao", "Vuoi aggiungere la fase di " + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + " al calendario?", ["Si", "No"]);
if result = "Si" then
let filetosend := file(this, "event-" + Evento + ".ics");
let emailText := "Ciao,
<br><br>abbiamo aggiunto il seguente evento al tuo calendario:<br><br>Evento: <b>" + 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento + "</b><br>Starting: <b>" + 'Inizio montaggio' + "</b><br>Ending: <b>" + 'Fine montaggio' + "</b><br><br>" + Evento.Evento + "-" + Evento.Edizione;
Evento.Edizione + "<br><br><br>";
from: "info@*******.bz",
to: "********",
subject: 'Fase di' + " " + Evento.Evento,
text: text(emailText),
html: emailText,
attachments: filetosend
'Ultimo aggiornamento calendario smontaggio' := now()
1 reply
If anyone, in case, can tell me how to automatically import events from gmail to google calendar, it would be very helpful.
This is how google calendar is configured now
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
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