Update Field to Show Item Balance from Import
I would appreciate coaching on this update, as I can't seem to make it work. Each planning period I get a csv file that has ITEM ID and ITEM Available Quantity.…
To remove a lot of records
Hi, I have a lot of records to remove from a table. First one : ID 3825 Last one : ID 4249 I think there is a "delete" formula but I don't know how to manage it.…
Is there a way to refresh the screen to update a html progress bar in a for loop?
My code is as follows: let ofxSelected := (select OFXEntries);let countOFXSelected := 0;let countOFXAlreadyPosted := 0;for selectedOFX in ofxSelected do ProgressValue:…
Formula doesn't work until I populate each field in the formula at least one time, then works for the one record. Needs to be repeated in each record?
I have a strange situation. I have 3 phone fields, Phone, Phone 2, Phone 3. I have a formula to then display the phone number somewhere else in the record (in the same table).…
Full screen
Hi, How can i open a form in full screen! tx Regards Michel
Counting the number of
Good afternoon; I'm trying to learn how to count the number of entries with a particular status set. 1. I have two tables: JOBS and TASKS. 2. Each entry in JOBS can have multiple TASKS assigned to it,…
How to get Multiple Choice selections to appear on Print
I've looked at some example and still struggling to figure this out and basically I am using an "Invoice" like form and I have to instructions that need to be printed depending on if they are…
Copy record data from a table and create a record in other table
I need your help in creating a code for a button that allows me to copy and paste the data of a record from one table to another.I have a table 'ORDERS A' and a table with 'ORDERS B'.…
Magic trick with palmed values…
Hi, I added 5 new names in a base and it is impossible to see them. Even if I sort my id raws in ascending order this 5 names are not displayed…Their id numbers are missing.…
Error in a formula ?
Hi I have this formula with a button : let t := ""; for i in (select 'Oiseaux famille genres espéces') order by 'Premier mot' do if t = i.'Premier mot' then i.('Premier mot':= "xxx") else t := i.…
Table records user control
Hi, I have an expenses table shared by different users but I want that each user only sees the records created by themselves. Is this possible. They have the same role and need to access the same…
How to ?
I have a table with horses and a subtable with vaccination dates. i want to check if the vaccinations are ok for each horse. The rules are that a horse need a basic vaccination and 30 days after…
Importazione in allegati file da google drive
Salve, ho un campo contenente un link ad un file in google drive. COme posso fare ad importare automaticamente negli allegati tale file senza doverlo scaricare e importarlo manualmente?
ripete un controllo su tutti i record di una tabella
Salve, dovrei ripetere un controllo, per adesso tramite pulsante, che riempie un campo di un record dopo aver estratto il dato da un altro campo dello stesso record.…
how can I get the share link from report or layout with a button?
Hi, I need to create a share link of a record, or share link of pdf generated, can I get the URL (Share link) with a button?. Thanks. Cris
Insert "Page break" printing records
Hello and good day to all! I'm sorry and that may be an easy question to you all but I need to make some records appear in a second page when printing, for example:…
Correction - Counting the number of items that have a flag set.
Apologies for the second post. I had a confusing typo. Good afternoon; I'm trying to learn how to count the number of entries with a particular status set. 1. I have two tables: JOBS and TASKS. 2.…
Is there a way to see or list Team Members who are currently signed in.
Can this be done?
Is there a way to hide a formula field from displaying in a global search
I have changed the text and background colour so it is not visable on the form. The table only has one text field and a save & close button.
Hi, I have invited a person and this works, but when I go to the iPad of that invited person, he has access to all my databases. Can I grant access to 1 specific database? Tx regards Michel
Duplicates… Ninox… Excel…
Hi I try to select names wich are displayed only one time. So I use a formula for duplicates like this one : let myV := 'Bird name'; if cnt(select 'table name' where 'Bird name' = myV) > 1 then…
MacOS v3.3.2 long response times
Well I forgot to turn off automatic updates on my apps and now I got pushed out v3.3.2 for the MacOS and now I'm experiencing long responses on a table that has a lot of fields that reference other…
Distributing a database
Hi, I am still new to Ninox and I still have a lot of questions. I am an experienced programmer in Frontend Access database and Backend SQL Server. If i want to distribute a program (here an…
A black line in a rectangle
Hi I want to create a transparent rectangle in the form view I create a formula I enter : html("<hr>") I get a rectangle with a blalck line inside I go to "style" on RGB I select "background color"…
Missing Post
Very odd... I just replied to someone looking for help to create a child timesheet entry, and the post has disappeared. Regards John