How to delete multiple/all records in a table
I only find the option to delete a single record in a table at a time.Is there an option to select multiple records in a table and delete them all at once?
Double date
AGE function
Not so long ago I watched a video lesson where they talked about the global function ageYM. but I can't find where to copy this formula. can anyone tell me where all the global functions can be…
- Answered
Formula for colour change
Hello there I have a colour field which i would like to either be red or green depending if a membership has run out based upon another field 'membership expiry date' having gone past the date.…
Deploying New Versions
I'm working on a database with a significant amount of custom scripting and will eventually deploy it into production, after which new features will be added over time and for sure there will be bugs…
Select Projekte nach E-Mail
Hallo, ich möchte aus einer Projektliste nur Projekte anzeigen, bei denen der Nutzer in der verbundenen Tabelle als Ressource eingetragen ist. Hier ist der Code:…
how do i change the date format?
how do i change the date format?
User filter in REST API to filter Array field.
I have a table, which returns following response via REST API:{ "City": "BORRALHA", "Parish": "Borralha", "CAE": [ 11029, 11030 ], "Projetos Relacionados": [ 10776, 12135, 13112 ], "Fontes de Dados":…
Is it possible to use a global function (defined in Ninox) via Ninox API query endpoint?
Hi, I try to make use of the query endpoint of the ninox API. I use the Ninox API Call task in Integromat for this and I am able to successfully test the API connection (I could successfully test it…
Fields as a Global Variable on Mac app
Been trying this new feature without any success. If I use a choice field and select an item, nothing selects until I move to another record. If fact Ninox doesn't acknowledge the choice until its…
YES/NO use like to show / hide table element
There is a table where YES/NO we use how to hide show fields for currency exchange rates. This currency rate is displayed in other tables as well. When we disabled in the main table,…
Connexion with OneDrive API
I'm trying to connect Ninox with OneDrive API to be able to move folders inside the drive but it doesn't work. Is anyone have a solution?
Connexion with OneDriveAPI
I'm trying to connect Ninox with OneDrive API to be able to move folders inside the drive but it doesn't work. Is anyone have a solution?
Restriction of rights for users
Hello I want to make a tab for the admin and bring the following functions there for configuration for users like Allowed to Show tab Write, Allowed to read, Create new record, delete record
Don’t create record if a required field is not filled
Hi, is it possible to not create a record if a required field is not filled
Bedingung Anzeigen wenn "FELD !=0" funktioniert nicht wenn die Eingabe im bedingenden Feld 0.- € beträgt
Liebe Leute,Ich möchte ein Feld dann anziegen lassen, wenn ein anderes nicht leer (also befüllt) ist. Konkret: Ein händisch einzugebendes Feld (Währung) muss befüllt sein,…
Dynamic Multiple Choice Field Coding Problem
Hi, I hope I can find here a solutions as I am trying this for some time now without any success. I am trying to create a Dashboard for partial shipments of orders placed by customers where I can…
Using formatted name as form header
Hi, beginner question here. I'm setting up a simple database of birds, showing one species per form view. The first field in the form is SpeciesName, and for easy reading I'd like that to appear in…
Using <h2> tag to style emails
I have a button to send an email update to clients regarding their account. I want to stle the first line with the <h2> tag but when I try to style my table reference to the property in question,…
Use Update Trigger to Chnage the value in Linked Record
Hi, I hope you can help. I want to change the value on a linked table field Features.'Features (English)' to the value "Disposable". It is driven by a change in a field on the Products table with…
use yesterday's information in the table
Hello I need some information from yesterday to automatically pass to the next day. I have a formula that does it all, but there is a problem, it changes all previous days, that is,…
- Answered
I have been using Ninox for over a year now and create identical fields over multiple records as I am keeping information on clients (broken up between male and female) but now when I try to edit anything, it gives an error message saying 'ambiguous field names'. I have seen that fields that can't have the same names but why is it, that I have been able to do it for the last year but now I can't?
I have been using Ninox for over a year now and create identical fields over multiple records as I am keeping information on clients (broken up between male and female) but now when I try to edit…
Lost 1 month of records
Help please. I was updating my patient records, when I noted that the all of my records from March in multiple tables had been lost. Since my ninox syncs with my calendar, I quickly checked calendar,…
Round to nearest $5?
How do I make this formula round to the nearest $5 increment? if Host.'First Name' like "Kari" then 'Total Prize Pool' * number(Payouts.'1st Place %') / 100 end
Spam = Garbage = Not Good!
Alright. The SPAM is completely out of control here and while I don't 'offend' easily, some of it is frankly disugusting/offensive. --- My friends (show of 'hands' out there), ...…