Find out more about the field types available in Ninox
A field represents a location stored within a row of a table in a database. When creating a table in Ninox, you can choose between different field types. Choosing the appropriate type makes it easier for you to further process data.
Field types overview
Field type | Description |
Formula | Enter Ninox functions but also specify scripts and perform calculations. |
Text | Text input |
Text (multiline) | Multiline text input |
Rich text | Input text and choose between formatting options, such as bold, italic, etc. |
Number | Any kind of numbers, but also money amounts, can be entered in this field type. |
Yes / No | Depending on your field configuration, an option may or may not be selected later. |
Choice | Depending on your field configuration, a value can or must be selected from the values you saved. |
Multiple choice | Depending on your field configuration, a single value or multiple values can or must be selected from the values you saved. |
Date | Enter a date directly or use the calendar that opens. Format: dd.mm.yyyy |
Time | Enter a time directly in 24h format or use the time selection window that appears. Format: 20:00 |
Date / Time | A calendar and a clock open for input. Click or tap Now to insert the current time and date. |
Time interval | Enter a duration, e.g., 2:00. |
Appointment | A calendar and a clock open for input. Enter a start and an end time. If you don't enter any value, Ninox sets the default duration of 1h. |
Image | Upload an image file here. The picture is displayed in the corresponding field in the record. |
Signature | Deposit a signature using a touchpad or a mouse. |
URL | A URL that can be called directly is stored in this field type. |
An email address stored in this field type can be called directly. The default email app opens. | |
Phone | A phone number stored in this field type can be called directly. The default calling app opens. |
Location | A location stored in this field type is displayed directly in the map stored by default for this purpose. |
Color | Select a color. |
Symbol | Select an icon. |
User | Select a collaborator from the current workspace in this field type. |
Choice (dynamic) | A selection field for which selection options are generated by script. |
Multiple choice (dynamic) | A multiple selection field for which selection options are generated by script. |
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- 2 mths agoLast active
- 122Views