Print and download file name not same as saved filename

Have a little issue that it getting in the way

When I print a customer quote the file is also saved into the same customer form in the file attachments. This shows the correct customer quote reference ie ref 6990 as part of the file name.

However the same file is also downloaded to the foot of my current window but instead of showing the same quote ref it shows the internal Ninox record ref ie 1524

It is that file that we slide off onto the desktop and then send to the client (but this is causing a few issues as the client then refers to that as a quote number!.

Anyone know how to mod the current scrip to effect that downloaded file ( it is too inconvenient to go to the attachments tab and download the file manually) 


current script on print/save button

let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "118PrintQuote");
let myName := "Quotation.pdf";
importFile(this, myPdf, QteNum + " " + myName);
if 'Draft!' = true then
    alert("Draft Quote Only Saved ! Turn Off Draft Flag To Print Final Quote!")
    if 'Draft!' < true or 'Draft!' = null then
        printRecord(this, "118PrintQuote")


thank you in advance

12 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Mel Charles

    It is not possible to name the downloaded file. You're on a cloud subscription right? Then, I would take a different approach:

    Your code could be like:

    importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "118PrintQuote"), QteNum +" Quotation.pdf");
    if 'Draft!' then
    alert("Draft Quote Only Saved ! Turn Off Draft Flag To Print Final Quote!")
      let u := shareFile(item(files(this), 0));

    Normally, the open url should open the PDF and you can print it straight away.

    If you want to mail the quote, i would suggest to send it straight from ninox using the attachment (with a button).

    Here's an example of a good way to mail with attachments:


    Hope this helps you on the road....


    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    HI Steven

    Thanks for the quick reply. Yes i am on cloud version.  I have already seen you excellent post on mailing within Ninox and have taken some god elements from this for another project i am doing. I already have quite a few options on mailing built in including batched mass mailing the same file out to my customer base etc.

    I don't want to send the quote from with in Ninox as the quote file needs to go out with other files and visuals (these are usually too large for me enclose within Ninox and would add extra unnecessary steps)

    I'll give your url suggestion a go and see how I get on with that.

    As ever ... thank you 馃檪


    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    hmmm.......     seems to give each file a named string of random letters.

    Maybe the way to go is to get it to same to an image field on the front page of the quote (just like the attachment image above) then simply drag it from there. as the file saved in th attachments does have the correct filename and this would save me constantly flicking between tabbed pages..


    Unless there is an auto way to down load/copy that file saved in the attachment to desktop using a script?...........Hmmmm


    • Ninox developper
    • Jacques_TUR
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    There are two solutions with the JavaScript code:

    1st with NaviteJS. This function can be added to the global functions and be used in all the application :

    function downloadFile(file : file,destFileName : text) do
    // separate the table id, the record number and the file name
    var file = util.parseNIDFile(file);
    // If the destination of the file name is not defined, it is set as the current name by default.
    if (!destFileName) destFileName = file[2];
    // create the URL of the file
    database.shareFile(file[0]+file[1], file[2], (err, url) => {
            // Creating an html element to apply the standard download
            var link = document.createElement("a");
            link.style.visibility = "hidden";
            link.href = url.url;
            link.download = destFileName;
            // remove html element;
    "to download from a image/file field";
    downloadFile(myImageField, "");
    "to download from files of records";
    downloadFile(item(files(this.Id), 0), "my file name destination.pdf");
    "to download all PDF files of record";
    for i in files(this.Id)[like ".pdf"] do
        downloadFile(i, "")

    2nd one with button from a Ninox html formula 

    var fileName := extractx(text(myImageField), "^([A-Z]+)([1-9][0-9]*)\/(.*)", "gi", "$3");
    var destFileName := "my file name destination.pdf";
    function download() {  database.shareFile('" + string(this.Id) + "', '" + fileName + "', (err, url) => {
                // Creating an html element to apply the standard download
                var link = document.createElement('a');
                link.style.visibility = 'hidden';
                link.href = url.url;
                link.download = '" + destFileName + "';
    <button onclick='download()'>My download button</button>")

      • Ninox developper
      • Jacques_TUR
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jacques TUR Here is a small correction for the case where there are several files to download in a row. In the previous code, the download succession was too fast and sometimes it skipped some files. This new version of the function synchronizes the download using the callback function to avoid this. This means that the rest of the code is executed only when the file is shared and the download link has been clicked. This forces the code to handle the files one by one.

      function downloadFile(file : file,destFileName : text) do
          #{:text:callback // indicates that NativeJS will return a text and that the code will use callback for that;
      // separate the table id, the record number and the file name
      var file = util.parseNIDFile(file);
      // If the destination of the file name is not defined, it is set as the current name by default.
      if (!destFileName) destFileName = file[2];
      // create the URL of the file
      database.shareFile(file[0]+file[1], file[2], (err, url) => {
              // Creating an html element to apply the standard download
              var link = document.createElement("a");
              link.style.visibility = "hidden";
              link.href = url.url;
              link.download = destFileName;
              // remove html element;
              // calls the following code
    • Ninox developper
    • Jacques_TUR
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Another update, because there were incompatibilities from one browser to another. This version seems to work well everywhere, although on FireFox it gives you windows with the files instead of downloading them directly. 

    I think I can improve this soon, it just needs to store the file in the session with the current URI address for it to work. I leave this gibberish for the attention of other developers who would like to help me to make this code work for FireFox 馃榿.

    function downloadFile(fileNinox : file,destFileName : text) do
    // separate the table id, the record number and the file name
    var file = util.parseNIDFile(fileNinox);
    // If the destination of the file name is not defined, it is set as the current name by default.
    if (!destFileName) destFileName = file[2];
    // create the URL of the file
        .then((fileURL) => {
                .then(resp => resp.blob())
                .then(blob => {
                    const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                    const a = document.createElement('a');
                    a.style.display = 'none';
                    a.href = url;
                    a.download = destFileName;
    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hey Guys

    Thank you for the input

    You will see from my opening thread that I am producing a file into an attachment. When I print to create the file, it does 2 things

    1. A file is created and is correctly given a filename that matches the record reference number. Ie Form quotes - Quote Number 1234 and Quote1234.pdf for the file. This file is put directly into attachments tab page 

    2.    Another download file is download at the foot of my browser - which I can easily drag off but this file is labels with Ninox鈥檚 internal record id number ie 895 etc. and bears no meaning to the quote reference.

    My issue is that I want to drag/down load this file directly onto desktop. I don鈥檛 want to have to flip tabs to get at the file in the attachments to download.

    And the other file needs renaming after every drag to desktop

    Jacques - Your script is over my head but I have copied your script for the local formula field

    This works but does 2 things,

    1. It names the file by a long string name as per my image reply to Steven above 

    2. and opens a window to show/view that file. Which then also needs downloading and renaming. No sadly i am no further forward.

    It also relies on the file being held in an image field - not the attachments field. Essentially all I need to do is have a script to appoint to what I have already that will seek out the attachment in attachment1 and download the file onto my desktop.

    Yes - I could email it directly from with Ninox. But I have to add in artwork/design files/various tech specs etc and the files would significantly bloat my Ninox storage - particularly the artwork files which can be several meg alone. where as I have these all store under MS outlook templates ready to go.

    Kind regards


      • Ninox developper
      • Jacques_TUR
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Mel Charles It looks like you didn't use the last code. Is it possible?

      After copying the last code of the DownloadFile function, try to place the following code in a button and let me know what happens.

      var fileName := QteNum + " Quotation.pdf";
      var file := importFile(this, printAndSaveRecord(this, "118PrintQuote"), fileName);
      if Draft then
          alert("Draft Quote Only Saved ! Turn Off Draft Flag To Print Final Quote!")
          downloadFile(file, fileName)

      I tried to reproduce your context in the attached database. Try it too and tell me if it works.

      • Mel_Charles
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Jacques TUR 

      ah ha

      I copied your info in the global and the added my/your code to the button and it dod not work

      button appeared to do thing....

      then I completely logged out and re logged back in again and all working (you little test file also works first time too!

      I won't try to understand it cos it is too far above my understanding and makes my brain hurt!!!

      but thank you.

      In an ideal world I would have quote plus the number ie "Quote 1234.pdf" on the downloaded file but will try and sort that.

      Question - so why is it that you are able to do these kind of "bolt  on" fixes and Ninox can't or won't do these. Is it likely that if Ninon do more upgrades your fixes may not work infuture?

      Either way I'm very grateful as wanted to get this fixed for ages


    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Ah spoke to soon.

    so copied into main database and all working fine been testing for 1/2 hour of so and worked but now has simply stopped working. (not altered the code)

    the small database you did is still functioning. so i am guessing it might be a memory thing due to large number of records?

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Sorry Ignore my last comment

    I had copied the script to my spare play copy and tested

    then logged out to get something to eat. then logged back into my live copy wher the code had not been placed yet. Just goes to show how stupid one can be !!!!!

    all working fine  馃檪

      • Ninox developper
      • Jacques_TUR
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Mel Charles 馃憤