Posting data to api service - Bearer vs Basic (authorization/authentication)
I am trying to post data to a service. It works perfectly with Postman, however, I am still trying to figure out the proper syntax to do the same within a Ninox button script.…
Fill in PDF forms
Doing a search on "pdf forms" in this forum, I see that some Ninox users have asked for PDF form features beyond what Ninox currently offers. We have completed a new PDF forms only solution that may…
Where can I find the new neuralink plugin?
I need a boost.
Ninox Futures?
Earlier this year Google bought AppSheets, a no code company. They apparently did this so they could better compete with AirTable, a multi-billion dollar no code company.…
Understanding x => x * 2 and other modern javascript
For anyone who does not understand line 2 below, there is a nice explanation (regarding modern javascript) at: https://gist.github.com/gaearon/683e676101005de0add59e8bb345340c and https://developer.…
Re: Formula for On Click field to change the value manually by typing that is display from a reference table.
I like Alain's suggestion best. It replaces the Choice field with a n:1 reference field, which acts similar to a pop-up with an unlimited number of items. Plus it requires less code. Thank you Alain.