Mel Charles
Just for information (web version only)
Just for info re web version I placed and alert in combo box trigger after update and it sinply ignored it but rest of script worked well. support have come with :- "Thank you for your e-mail.…
Table - trigger after update being ignored
My table trigger after update is being ignored? Anyone elase having this issue (web version) . script is simple enough and no errors if FirstName = " " and LastName = " " and GDPR = 3 then GDPR :…
Why is the date wrong?
I have a customer form and whenever the contact opts in/out out or leaves the company - It writes an entry into an 'GDPR audit' table However I have an issue with the date- for example - Both my mac…
Return of the wife
Hey - I can get my wife back! - as long as I purchase a love spell !! These extras are being offered to us via the forum now so often tat I think Ninox should be including them with the next update :…
command similar to Duplicate(this)
Is there another command similar to duplicate(this) that instead of copying all field data in one record to a new record in the same table, it will copy that record and put it into a new table (that…
Purging Job History
I want to delete all main JobDockets records and its child tables) if these exists before a given date (6 years approx) based on a date keyed into a delete for this date fieild (DeleteDate!…
View sort on 2 columns ?
Silly Qustion I want to sort a Jobs tables view by 2 columns Ie First by 'Customer' the that list odered by 'Date' in reverse Individulaly both are easy but I can't sort 2 headers to become one if…
Last (or First) function breaking down?
I have a slight issue with getting the last (or first) job date from a child related table Parent table is 'Customers' - Child table is 'JobDockets' So I have a view that shows all the jobdockets in…
Dashboard - limit to single record?
Having got along quite nicely without one for a couple of years. I now require a dashboard! so assuming i have this right - I created a seperate table, added new a record and to the form added in the…
Print layout - Display of subform quote prices - vertical layout?
I have a quote layout that is printed to PDF. I have been using it for qute a while but am really not that over emanored with the multi (subform) pricing grid layout So the body section (subform) has…