Can't find the field width control
I'm new to Ninox. So far, so good, but I've got lots of "how do you ...?" questions.
Today's question is this: In the User Manual, Section 5. Tables, 5.1 Create and Modify Tables, under the heading Field Attributes there is a screen image that shows a window for adjusting field parameters. In the following text it says "f) Sets the field width as displayed in forms. (...)", referring to a field labeled "Width". Great! Just what I was looking for! Except the field attributes window in my copy of Ninox doesn't have a Width field.
I purchased Ninox on July 19, 2021 through the Apple Store (about 3 weeks ago) and I'm running it on my iMac desktop machine. (I would also tell you what version of Ninox I'm running, but I don't see any obvious way to look that up.) I downloaded the User Manual and have read through some of it.
Being able to specify field width seems pretty basic, but I can't find a way to do that in the Ninox app that's running on my machine.
TIA for any advice on this.
1 reply
if you are talking about the physical dipslay of the field on the form
then in design mode (spanner higlighted) click on the filed and drapg one of the handles to whatever display width you require.
If on the other hand you are talking about limiting the min max of characters that can be entered then agin in design mode within the field attributes
Text field in screen shot - there is a min and max box!
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 264Views