S Moore
Formula to Print an Save
In the BETA group, in DB Ninox 2-4 new features, I see the button to print, and save as an attachment. What is the formula for that?
Button to Change Value of All Records
Hello, I want to create a button, that when clicked it will modify all data that is referenced from that table. How do I do this?
Color Code a Formula
Hello, I would like to color code a formula I have that is subtracting the value from two existing number fields. In this formula, for example named 'Total Demand' I want it to change color based on…
Pause function
I am curious if there is a pause fuction, where itll run my first line of code, and then my next line of code. This is what I am currently working with: 'Last Status' :…
Format Date
I have a Date field, I am trying to format that date field to display in MM/DD/YYYY. I have had many unsuccessful attempts in doing so. How do I do this?…