Formula to Print an Save
In the BETA group, in DB Ninox 2-4 new features, I see the button to print, and save as an attachment.
What is the formula for that?
4 replies
from: "recipient@domain.com",
to: "recipient@domain.com",
subject: "Hello World!",
text: "Some text",
html: "<h1>Some Text</h1><i>With Markup</i>"
That is to send an email.
In the 'Ninox 2-4 new features' there is a table named 'Clients' in a the 'Clients' there is a blue button that says "Print all To-Do's and save it as attachment" what is the formula for that?
Thank you!
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 2813Views