S Moore
Default Off Print Attachments
When printing a record, is it possible to set "Print attached images" to unchecked by default instead of checked?
Create automatic records
Hello, I am wondering if there is a way, after every 30 days to automatically create a record linked to my main table?
Trigger after update previous value.
I created my own audit trail, where when a field is modified, another record is created and linked to that table that records the modification. One example is: (and this action is recorded in a field,…
Unique Alpha-Numeric Formula
Hello, I want to create a trigger on create, that will assign a field named "Case Serial" a unique alpha-numeric data. I would prefer if the Case Serial was 12-digits long.…
Create Record Button
let LNK := Id;let NW := (create 'AUD TRAIL BETA');NW.(Review := LNK);popupRecord(record('AUD TRAIL BETA',number(NW.Id))) For that record creation, I am trying to also set a field named Type to =1 I…
Search Bar with Button
Hello, For weeks, I have been trying to create this formula, but have not had any luck (I am also not sure if this is possible. In this instance, I am working with 3 tables: Invoices, Products,…
Ability to Change Button Color in if result alerts
Is there a way to change the color to the result alerts? For example: Do you want to clear all fields? "red(Yes)","no" Is it possible to change the results colors?