I USE NINOX FROM ABOUT ONE YEAR AND IT IS FANTASTIC! Maybe it's already possible to do it and I did not understand how. It would be very useful to insert the possibility to block and protect a record! Just a small padlock for each line and the ability to lock / unlock it in one click!
6 replies
You can use the option "Writable if..." in the options of a table ("Edit fields").
If you implent a "Yes/No" field you can show it as a checkbox and set in the "Writable if..." field the function:
'Yes/No' = 1
To make the record writable if it once locked, you can use a button with the formula:
'Yes/No' := 1
Best, Jörg
This doesnt appear to work for formula columns? It locks data entry fields but calculations are free? How can we lock formula fields please Jorg?
You can nor write in formula fields anyway. If you do not want to show them with a certain condition you may enter the condition in the option "show field only if".
It is also possible to add the condition directly into the formula of the field. E.g.
if "my condition" then "my formula"
Best, Jörg
The fields is still writeable if we write by update multiple record. How to sort out that?
Hi Antsa,
I have already added that in our change request list.
As soon as I have news about it I will let you know.
Thanks for your patience.
Kind regards, Jörg
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 3527Views