Timestamp - 24 hours
I am trying to get a date time field to be set by button to 24 hours prior to current time.any help?
Comments in Reccords
Hi can comments in reccord be called in a formula to view all comments on the reccord table example(this,comment)
sort sub-table rows in print layout
Hi , i find that my subtale is sorting by name field only in the print layout, how can i chage that?
Rich text in Formula field
HI how can i make some text bold within a formula field , i know it uses html but i dont know how to put that in. below is exapmle of the code i have and i made bold the fields i want display as bold…
slack notification
HI is it possible to get a link in a slack notification that would link to the record that triggered the message?
Sum Qty in selected field for each Value in Arrray
HI , i have a formula field that has an Array of product code numbers i have a table with orders i would like to select the Order table and sum the qty on order for each product in the Array Field…
Print layout iPad vs PC
Hi I am finding that when I have a print layout setup it is not exactly the same if printed from a PC or if printed from a iPad , it seems like when printing from iPad the column are narrower then…
2 views different fields
Hi is it possible to make 2 form views of the same table , but in view 1 show some fields while in view 2 some fields should be hidden?
How to delete all selected records in browser?
How to delete all selected records in browser?