API find relationship
Hi , Is there a API endpoint or a way to find what tables have relationship to other tables. I am pulling up my list of tables and list of fields in each table.…
Ninox data schema
How can I get a nice full data schema for my whole database, including tables, fields, relationships, scripts, related references. any ideas? something like this would be amazing https://dataedo.…
I have been using this button to import image and files from url for months now, today it stopped working.
convert formula to NINOX LANGUAGE
HOW CAN I GET THIS FUNCTION WORKING IN NINOX? I am trying to have a table that keeps the working hours for each day of the week, and a holiday table to store closed dates ,…
how do i get the url of a specific record in a specifi view urlOf(this,"all")
Disable create in link from field however allow select record
Disable create record in link from field however allow select record?
Email multiple attachments
i would like to attache multiple attachemets to one email this works but only gives me the xbol if i add attachments: xbol+xinv it does not work let xid := Id;let xbol :…