Javier Gómez
MacOS Safari not compatible anymore?
With the last releases, I've found that Safari for MacOS (Sequoia version) has some trouble with the app, and it hangs often when executing some "complex" queries.…
span class="ql-cursor"
When using the raw() function in a rich text field, Ninox ALWAYS adds the <span class="ql-cursor"> tag at the end of the code. Why? Is this a bug or a feature? Now,…
Is it possible to add a custom RTF field in Ninox (like TinyMCE)?
I really love Ninox, but there is a terrible limitation for the kind of solutions we develop (automated catalogs with lots of rich text): editing content in a RTF type field is a very poor and…
Using a Dynamic multiple choice field to filter a dynamic choice list
I'm searching the forum but there is no correct answer to my question (or maybe is nested in a very crowded forum). I have a Dynamic multiple choice field (Country) with a list of countries.…
Enter the content of another field inside a rich text field
Hello again. I'm just ending the development of a custom application that needs to print and export some rich text fields with lots of text. What I need is some kind of "data merge" inside a rich…