Is it possible to add a custom RTF field in Ninox (like TinyMCE)?
I really love Ninox, but there is a terrible limitation for the kind of solutions we develop (automated catalogs with lots of rich text): editing content in a RTF type field is a very poor and cumbersome experience...
In my experience, Ninox already support all HTML stuff, but editing the rich content is really a pain in the ass... So, I force my customers to edit their rich content using a custom TinyMCE instance in the cloud, switch to HTML view, copy, and finally, paste in a RAW HTML Ninox field that will update the content of a RTF Ninox field (using some basic formulas already supported by Ninox).
So I was wondering if someone has already made some kind of custom development/integration to at least allow the proper formatting of text using a more advanced RTF editor, like TinyMCE.
Maybe a future release of Ninox?
1 reply
In a similar vein, I had this one formula field that that is 118 lines long and I kept getting lost with all the if/then and switches, so I looked around and found Sublime text and it helped me keep that all straight.
Content aside
- 1 yr agoLast active
- 1Replies
- 84Views