Ask The Dog Guy
Video Field versus Image Field
Is there a field for importing a video into a database that can later be played on demand? - John
Sync to new device (iPad Pro)
I've been using Ninox predominantly on my iMac. However, I occasionally use it on my laptop and even more rarely due to the size of the screen on my iPhone.…
Disconnected from database
I became disconnected from my Ninox database. All I have are old archives. How do I reconnect to my databases whether they're stored locally or on iCloud?…
Forum Notifications Not Occurring When Someone Answers/Replies
I've checked my "My Profile" settings and I have notifications checked, but I never get notified when someone posts a reply. Does that setting refer to something else and there's another forum…
Form Field Positioning
Some fields seem content to stay on their own line without adjusting their width to take up the whole 4 columns available. Most others have to be adjusted to full-screen width to keep them on their…
Formula - Visual Vs Text
I haven't been able to succeed in creating a display-only scenario. Perhaps in part because the examples provided are (I think) what you would enter textually as opposed to using the visual function.…
Should the number of fields be limited for navigation and future editing simplicity sake?
Before I get too far into my first form and database creation education I was wondering if there is a way and if there is if it's the best way to keep from having 100's of fields in a table.…
End time MINUS start time = total time in hours and minutes. Then total time X hourly rate = $xxx.xx
What is the above called (calculation?) and can someone recommend a tutorial?
Trigger additional field is a condition is met.
If I ask a question on an interview form and the answer is "yes". I would like an additional set of questions to appear. What is this called? Is there an applicable tutorial?
Can you copy/duplicate a field?
I'm creating a db that will have multiple identical fields. The field name will be unique but the purpose of the field will remain the same. ie. tv1 - brand tv2 brand tv1 screensize, t2 screens size.…