Should the number of fields be limited for navigation and future editing simplicity sake?

Before I get too far into my first form and database creation education I was wondering if there is a way and if there is if it's the best way to keep from having 100's of fields in a table. For example, if the information to be collected on the form pertaining to different categories. ie. Client Information and Dog Information, and if there was a second or third dog in the household fields for those individual dog's information, and if it became apparent mid appointment that one or more of the dogs had some sort of behavior problem and a box for anxiety was as a result checked, it triggered the addition of yet another set of questions.  I think I know how to trigger things (emphasis on think) but that is going to be one long table. I've been watching the course section of parent/child/grandchild but I'm not literate enough yet to understand if that would somehow be a better way to go.




- John Wade 🐾 (www.askthedogguy.com)

2 replies

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi John


    It might be worth creating a table linked to the parent, with two fields, Question and Answer. The Question can be a Dynamic Choce field for consistency if you wish. You can then add new questions on the fly, rather than adding a new field to accommodate. It will give for a cleaner interface too.


    If you have a set of questions to ask for each record they can be added with a script in the Trigger on create section.


    Regards John

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi John


    This is a table of questions. The default ones will automatically be added to the reord


    Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 19.44.37


    Here is a record with the question and answers


    Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 19.44.19


    And this code in the Trigger on create adds the default questions


    Screenshot 2021-07-03 at 19.45.22


    Regards John