Joined: Sat Jan 12 13:59:05 UTC 2019
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Parse date(today) into a fixed - user local independent - format?
Dear All, 1) How can you ensure that the output of function today() is independent from the user local? I get different formats of the same date depending the date format settings of the user.…
Display or hide button based on View(Form)?
Dear All, Is it possible to hide a button based on the name of a View (Form)? I have 1 table with let’s say Button 1A and Button 1B. This table has multiple "Views".…
Change field colour based on multiple if then else
Dear All, Any idea why the following code results in the error: if 'Current Inventory' > 'Total Count' thenstyled("Inventory is SMALLER", "#ddeeff", "green", "dialog");…