Angel Del Pino Velez
Help with this project
Good morning, could you give me some help with this programming. I am working on a project for a body and paint shop and I got stuck on this part. I have a field called Position, it is a consecutive,…
Help to create an alert when exiting a record
Buenos dias, me gustaria poder hacer que al hacer click en la parte izquierda de la pantalla (X) si el campo DNI no esta rellenado me de una alerta, he estado probando con esta formula si esta vacio…
How can I link a file hosted on a local server?
De la misma manera que cuando usamos el campo 'Dirección de Internet' para vincular un archivo ubicado en una nube, necesito poder hacer lo mismo pero con un archivo ubicado en un servidor local (que…
Main Menu
Good morning, I have a database with many tables focused on machine maintenance in the company where I work. I have a table called Main Menu, as shown in the image.…
Search formula fields in another table
Buenos dias, tengo una tabla (Medidas) en la cual tengo 50 campos numericos y 50 campos de formula, en los campos de formula tengo esta formula, si Pos1 >= 0 y Pos1 <= 6000 entonces styled("REPLACE",…
- Answered
Send WhatsApp from Ninox
Good afternoon, I have been reading in the forum about how to send a WhatsApp from Ninox but someone always opens the WhatsApp page with advice. thanks in advance
Help with this problem Thank you
Good evening, I am using an appointment field to display on the calendar. I want that when I have a busy hour range, it does not allow me to make another appointment in that range.…