Format total hours worked
Hi. I have a formula that returns the total of hours workeed. For example, starting at 10 am and end at 14 pm returns 4:00. Anyway to format the 4:00 to 4?…
style() to a Number field
Good morning all. I have this on a number field, but not woking. let Resta := 'A pagar' - Pagado;styled(text(Resta), if Resta > 0 then"#FFEE00"elseif Resta < 0 then "Orange" else "white" endend)
Yes/no condition in formula field
This script won't work if Test = true then'A pagar' = 'Tipo de licencia'.Precio + 'Tipo de socio'.Precio + 'Tipo de licencia'.Precioelse'A pagar' = 'Tipo de licencia'.Precio + 'Tipo de socio'.…
Unify script
Hi. I want to unify this scrips I found here. let myNewRecord := (create Tabla1);let myA := Nombre;myNewRecord.(Nombre := myA);let myB := Apellidos;myNewRecord.…
Filter ascending/descending date
I can't filter by date. My date format is DD/MM/YYYY, but it only filter by the DD, not the full date. How to solve this? Thanks
Block add record
Any way to block add a record? I only want that a new record is by importing a csv file, not click on the "+" or on a new row. Thanks.
Import customer number auto added in csv
I have this code for every new data 'Nº de registro' := max((select Socios).'Nº de registro') + 1; How to use the code when importing csv?
Confirm box option when add new record
To avoid adding records unintentionally
Confirm box when new record
Any way to implement this code let check := dialog("Add record", "New record will be added. Continue?", ["Sí", "No"]);if check = "Sí" then for a new record adding?…
Change To-Do list option if button click
Hello. I have a To-Do multiple choice. It have 6 options. I want the script in a button to, when click on it, if the desired options is selected, then unselect it.…
If any necesary field is blank, then...
Any way to script this?
Add data into a dialog box
I have this. let check := dialog("Renovar socio para la temporada 2018-2019", "Se renovará al socio seleccionado para la temporada 2018-2019. ¿Continuar?", ["Sí", "No"]);…