Unify script

Hi. I want to unify this scrips I found here.

let myNewRecord := (create Tabla1);
let myA := Nombre;
myNewRecord.(Nombre := myA);
let myB := Apellidos;
myNewRecord.(Apellidos := myB);

This part creates a new record on Table1 with the fields selected in myNewRecord.

Now I want to connect this table to be shown in antoher, with this code:

let p := (create Table1);
p.(Temporada := "2018-2019");
let r := this;
p.(Socio := r);

But this part let p := (create Table1); creates a second record.

1 reply

    • mdomfu
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view



    let myNewRecord := (create Tabla1);
    let r := this;
    myNewRecord.(Socio := r);
    let myA := Nombre;
    myNewRecord.(Nombre := myA);
    let myB := Apellidos;
    myNewRecord.(Apellidos := myB)