AutoNumber increase when duplicating record
Hi guys, I have an auto-increasing number field. "Trigger on new record" : QNumber := max((select Quotes).QNumber) + 1 Works fine. I sometimes duplicate a record because I have a set of sub-records…
- Answered
AutoNumber increase when importing records
I have a "Trigger on new record" auto Increasing a number (the trigger I use): 'Cont-ID' := max((select CONTACTS).'Cont-ID') + 1 works fine - except when importing records from a CSV file,…
Image size in fx field
IMAGES SIZE: I have a table, containing images, to be used as headers in other places of my database I have made the images to fit the size of the header space - a fx field : (select HEADERS).…
- Answered
Calendar issues
Something not working here ( for me at least) Any ideas? Thanks, John. (have posted this earlier, but can't see the post anywhere. pls. bare with me if it's uploaded twice)
PRINT need some love, please
"If it's there, it should work - otherwise, why have it at all ?" Question: How can I use make my docs look good, using Ninox? I would like to keep all my "project-stuff" in one place...…
Required fields
May I suggest the following: If a field is set to be "Required", the form should not be close-able until a value is set/chosen - just like on web-site forms:…
Alert message on CloseRecord
Hi guys, i want Ninox to check that a certain field is not null when closing the record and alert me if it is the case. if Type = null then alert("Remember to fill in the *Type* field")end it works…