Field alignment logic
What is the logic behind "bottom field alignment"? Have experimented with spaces etc. - no luck so far - is there a way to "top-align" fields? J:)
How to count days
Hi guys, I'm struggeling a bit, trying to figure out how I can count the days in a contact history table (to be used in sales effort stats) I have a "contact-History" table in which there is a "date"…
Problems with appointment fields
Does anyone have a solution to this problem: The time in the Appointment fields cant be changed (across all IOS devices - latest versions - reorganized - deleted/reinstalled) What happens is this:…
"Set-Date-script" - something goes wrong
Guys, I have i button to set a task to "Done" Deadline := null;Today := null;DoneDate := Today;Status := 3 The "DoneDate" field does not set the value to "Today" but returns null.…
Auto increment in subtable
Hi guys, once again I'm stuck :) I know how to auto increment values in a fild - but this is different. How can I auto increment a value in a "Child table" - ONLY regarding the actual records in the…
How to sort SubTable fields in summary formula field in MainTable
Hi guys, I struggle a bit with the coding of a formula field in my MainTable (VIDEOS), intended to turn records from SubTable (VideoBeats) into a simple 'cut&paste-able' single-page text for…