Alan Cooke
Joined: Fri Mar 11 22:08:06 UTC 2022
Latest Posts
New record code needing a tweak
closeRecord(); let thisRecord := this; let myProject := 'SELECT PROJECT'; let myLoc := 'SELECT BUILDING, ROOM & DESCRIPTION'; let newRec := (create 'Project Equipment'); newRec.…
Conditional Formatting at a stretch using a Filter
Sometimes I miss the filter funnel in the header which throws me when I know there are more records than I see. Especially if the column being filtered is off to the right out of sight so to speak.…
Using a button to export multiple records
I typically use the gear to export a selection of records to a CSV/Excel sheet. What I would like to do is do this using a button. How does one code for this?
Using an iFrame in Ninox to view a website
Can someone help with a sample script to add a website into a formula using iframe?
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