How to make a smaller save size with an archived database?
I needed to split tables off of an original database, so to do this I took the original database, made a backup, and then imported the archive using a different name and then deleted the tables I…
For large record sets, how many records does Ninox pull at a time?
For large record sets how many records does Ninox pull at a time, and what triggers the pulling of the next group of records?
How to modify or totally remove the global find button?
Can the table columns that appear following a global find be altered? If not, can the global find button either be totally removed or changed to only perform finds on the current table?
Changing the way date is displayed
Hi, Overall, I love Ninox, but I have spent an entire morning trying to solve what should be a simple problem, including reading dozens of forum posts and the manual.…
Why does Ninox 'remember' deleted Ids?
If i have a new table with 10 rows, Id numbers will go from 1-10. However if i delete the last three rows (8,9 and 10), then create a new row, the Id number of the new row is 11.…
I have a DATA table that tracks about 20 indices by nation and region using numerical fields. I update it by adjusting the data in an Excel file, saving it as a comma-separated csv,…
Date manipulation
Hi there, I'm new to ninox and i trying to automatically calcute a date after manually entering a number of month and displaying that information in an additional field.…
Printing a document
When I select print it tries to send the document as a PDF file to Pages which can not read it. Therefore, I can't print is there a way around this?
Export selection of data
How is it possible to export a selection of data?
Can I change the format of the Date
Can I change the format of the Date when printing to a different format as the system default? Thank you.
How can I lock the data
I added a new YES/NO. When I enter the data, how to set the data to be automatically locked after pressing YES. Thank you.
Check date field
I have a date field, I have to check with a function if the date is between July 1st and July 31st. how to do?
Filtering by multiple selections at the same time
I have created a category table which I use in other tables in order to assign catgeries to items. One item may be assigned to mutiple catgeories, for example,…
View files online before downloading
It would be great to see a feature such as what Dropbox or Airtable does, where uploaded files can be viewed online prior to downloading. So, clicking on the file just pops up with a view of the file…
How can I use an array in constraint formula?
I need to exclude some items that correspond to a selection : (select table)[xxxxx].ID So It gives me a list of ID but in constraint, it look to take a single value...…
How do I code this?
Combine the Choice and Multiple Choice Fields
This is always an issue for me. I start with a Choice field and then I realize it should have been a Multiple Choice field, or the reverse. So thinking about it a bit,…
Unable to display formula referenced by sub table?
How to display the contents of a subtable
How to move rows from one table to another? Or can I lock a box when status is X for example?
We have orders that are comming into ninox (let say 1,2,3). We also give those order status (csv import). But than we change some orders statuses and when we import (csv,…
I need some help from CSS experts…
i'll try to explain : when you hit a button on android devices, you get an orange rectangle to markup the place you've just hit and while taping you have a blue rectangle… i want to get rid of those…
This is all about GPS…
hi all, i wish i could get some help… concerning GPS stuff… here are some questions i have : 1/ how can get my actual coordinates from smartphone or tablet, AND from a computer connected to wifi ?…
Maintenance mode
Hello, In the cloud version, is it possible to put a "maintenance mode". So that other users cannot access the database while the admin makes some changes or updates?…
How do I make another record view using some of the fields I already have?
I need to know how I create a new view of a record that shows less of the fields, but shows the info in the fields I do show. Seems like a field can only appear on one record view.…
is it possible to get the ID of a sub table ?
I have a table with some entry...I wish to get the contact in this table and find it s ID on the contact table. the contact table is simply added to the actual table, not composite.…