Help with "do as server" script
Hi all, I have a button with code to create a number of records to a subtable... The code is: --- let reply := dialog("Confirmation!", "I will create " + '# of Payments' + " records, with Bill Data.…
Scripting a CSV / Excel Export
The Export as Excel / CSV function only allows global access to the function, rather than table by table. It would be good if exporting an Excel or CSV could be scripted into a button,…
iPad keyboard cursor keys not working
Using a keyboard with the iPad, the cursor keys do not work when editing programs or data fields. To navigate, you need to tap exactly where you want the cursor to be. Very annoying!
How to “Show all records” for a table?
Hi there! Is there some command, script or anything to “Show all records”? Anything that show not only all records that could be HIDDEN (using the “Selector Checks” at left),…
Is there really no undo function?
I'm on my second day with Ninox. While trying out a lot of stuff I did some mistakes I could not undo. I searched in the manuals and could not find anything about an undo function.…
Formula to show User name change the specific value
How to show the user name that change the specific value. For example, the person mark the check list.
Display Formula as Month?
Is there a way to have the results of this formula appear as "January?"
Force form size
Is there any way to force the size of a form to fill the whole screen when a user clicks on a row of a view ? Jaime
Crash Ninox
Hello,Since the last versions of Ninonx and ipadOs. Ninox plants regularly. Whether by modifying a database or simply entering data. I restart my ipad, copy the database etc. The problem persists.…
Copy to system clipboard?
I'm using Ninox Cloud, and want to create a button that copys a block of text to the system clipboard. Is there a function to copy to the system clipboard, or is this not possible?
Subtracting table values
I have built a data base to track my investment savings which I update monthly. When I add the newest value is it possible to subtract the previous value to calculate the variation?…
Force form size
Is there any way to force the size of a form to fill the whole screen when a user clicks on a row of a view ? Jaime
Prevent users from modifying views
Is it possible to prevent users from creating new views or modifying existing views in a table? We have specific fields that we don't want to show to all users,…
Posso com um campo de um banco de dados abrir campo em outro banco de dados?
Tenho 2 bancos de dados conforme em anexo. Um com agendamento e outro com Prontuario medico. Preciso que por exemplo quando clico em Jose Pedro no agendamento ele leve para Jose Pedro no Prontuario…
Posso com um campo de um banco de dados abrir campo em outro banco de dados?
Tenho 2 bancos de dados conforme em anexo. Um com agendamento e outro com Prontuario medico. Preciso que por exemplo quando clico em Jose Pedro no agendamento ele leve para Jose Pedro no Prontuario…
Creating a Unique Sequential Record Number
I have a table (Table1) with a date field (Date). I'm entering new records where the date may be earlier than the date of a previous record and then sorting by Date to view the table in date order.…
Enter data directly into subform grid
Is it possible to enter data directy into the subform grid when it is sitting on the main form? If i have the grid not nested into the main form then i can do this as the table sits on the lft hand…
Display multiple records in one line in formula
I'm looking for a way to show different lines from one table as formula on an other table (in a single field). So, I have a table InventLocation, where the display field (formula) needs to be added.…
Controlling the behaviour of the form reading pane
Is there any way to control the trigger for the form reading pane? One of the great features of Ninox is being able to do inline editing in views. But while a slow double-click opens the cell,…
Combo chart (bar chart with target line)
I'm wanting to display a bar chart within a form, which includes a dotted "Target" line, a bit like this: Is this sort of thing possible in Ninox? I'm on Ninox Cloud.…
How to create logos on my printouts
I wanted to create logos, ie header and footer on medical prescription forms
Get Line Items From One Table And Add Them To Another On Button Click
Hi, I have a table that contains Orders and in that table is a sub-table Pricing which has to fields - Description and Price.I have created another table named Invoices with a sub-table named Inv…
Variable Scope / Empty fields
Hi I am using this code in a "Save" button to avoid empty fields in a record: let MyError := 0; if Nombre = null thendialog("Attention", " ""Nombre"" puedes estar vacío", ["OK"]); let MyError :…
Email send/sent help needed
First question--where can I see the emails that send out of Ninox? I need to be able to reference/see/track invoices that are sent and to who. Is there a way to cc myself on the emails? Thank you,
Products by date
I'm struggling to make a very simple stuff, I think... Hope someone can help me.. I made a table with my products (product name, price, category) and I need to have another table with the products…